When I learned Bake was retiring

I was at home reading HawkTalk and noticed the movie “Rain Man” was playing on Turner Classic Movies in honor of their 31 Days of Oscar.

Couldn’t have been more appropriate. A Best Picture and Best Play by Play man. Definitely.

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I will miss so many things about him but mainly just the pitch of his voice. It just hit correct. He never seemed too up or down. He could interview a celeb or a nobody and would treat them the same. Always respectful. Always engaging. Amazing career!


He will still be broadcasting Miami games
In the fall. Just not as a full time employee.


The Voice Of America…


I didnt see this coming. I wonder how it will work as I would assume whoever takes over Bake’s position will want to call the games


I think Bake’s main duties and what he is retiring from were production related. I think it’s highly probably that they hire someone who’s focus would be there vs having a dual role like he did.

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Ahhh, so he’s not retiring, just changing employers….

I hope Bake is retiring from what I assume were 60+ hour weeks much of the past 10 years.

I hope he continues to call Miami sporting events forever.


Like many of you, I have watched every game this year. And last year. And as long as the ESPN+ has existed. Of course, many are away games. Watching other teams broadcast team, I often remind myself how lucky we are to have Bake. None better. But it’s great news he will continue to broadcast games. I think all of us should reach out to Steve, and express our appreciation for his excellence.
And we are lucky to have Randy. He does a great job and isn’t a dedicated homer. We should also acknowledge his contributions to the broadcast.


Bake is truly the best in the business. Who can ever forget his famous calls! It ain’t over Tillitz over and Penno for three at the buzzer will be remembered long after we are all gone from this earth!


Congratulation Bake. I hope this turns into an enjoyable semi retirement and you still get to do basketball and football games and don’t have to deal with all the other stuff.

We have been lucky that you loved Miami as much as the rest of us do and you decided to stay here instead of pursuing bigger jobs around the country. I often notice that you do a better job than most power conference broadcasters, and I am glad that you made the career choices that you did. Oxford and Miami are a great place to spend your life.


You should throw your hat in the ring. You could be the “ Dennis Miller” of the booth. I think I would catch most of your obscure references… but not all.:joy:

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Tyou much BC. I like writing jokes, but I don’t like being on camera or the like. Hats off to those who can do it as it’s hard work. Also, my speaking voice sounds like Darryl Hanna’s in Splash when she tells Steve Gutenberg what her real name is.

Steve Gutenberg could have been Tom Hanks. For a hot second, he was a biggger star. Odd in retrospect.