Miami announced this morning that Mitchell Rylee has officially signed with the team! 6’8" post player. I believe we might have one more signing. Welcome Mitchell-you picked a great morning to sign!!


My understanding is Billy Smith, 6’6" SG will be signing with Miami at 4pm today.

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Official release:

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Let’s hope Rylee i(6’8") isn’t another McNamara (6’9"). Jobie used to say some players couldn’t jump over the Oxford telephone book. I think Owens has a few of them on this team.

I feel that most of Eli’s struggles aren’t due to his leaping ability. It’s more his footwork and lack of bulk.

Exactly…jumping is not the issue ELI is athletic and can dunk with ease…

His issues are strength, confidence and want to…

His footwork could some work…but he has decent touch…just not great focus.

Rylee looks fairly athletic as well…

Eli has had 3 years to bulk up. Surprised Jack didn’t push him.

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To be fair he added 20 pounds - 195 to 215…he’s just not physical…focused or aggressive in his play.

It’s too bad as he has some skill.

You do realize adding weight takes more than effort, right? There’s a pretty big part of it that’s entirely genetic.

Eli showed some good progress from his freshman year to his sophomore year, but if anything he is worse now than the was as the end of his sophomore year. I think that is because he absolutely shies away from physical play and has a very low pain tolerance. I think his abilities are not the issue, his failures go back to my previous sentence. Of course, the other thing people are talking about in this thread are his lack of weight and strength, and that certainly contributes to what I am talking about.

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I don’t know, I have a pretty easy time adding weight without trying😂. Good point though, not easy for everyone to just add weight.

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