Vols fans coming to Sunday game

Hey Hawks fans

My 16 year old and I are coming to Ohio to watch the Vols beat Ohio State. In addition, he wants to check out some college campuses so we are going to go to UC, X and Miami for college basketball games this weekend. Should be a blast!!

1 - what are the must sees on campus?
2 - what’s a good, local lunch spot for Sunday?
3 - what’s the best way to get 2 tickets for the game?

Side note - I was at UT when Wally Z came to our place and lit us up - that dude could shoot it!


Welcome to the Forum. Great information will be posted quickly.

And Yep…Wally could shoot!

Good luck to your Vols…But they won’t beat the Bucks! Heck of a year by UT though.

1 - Campus is relatively compact so it’s easy to walk around and check out. There’s the seal at the center of campus, Upham Arch and the sundial. You can pop into Armstrong (the student center), Goggin (Ice Hockey arena), Farmer (business school), King (library) etc…

Should be straightforward to take a prospective student tour with a guide if you wanted to do that

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Does your 16 year old have an idea for major or have hobbies they want to continue through college? That might impact my recommendations.

  • If they are going into business, walk through Farmer. Or check out any of the academic buildings.
  • Check out Armstrong. If your kid is planning on being involved in any clubs, greek life, etc, they’ll spend a lot of time here. Of the 5 universities I have student IDs from, Miami has the nicest student center. Armstrong Student Center | Miami University | Miami University
  • If they like the outdoors, hiking, etc, take a walk through the trails. This is a hidden perk you can’t get at more urban campuses and as a computer science grad, having easy access to nature to disconnect for a bit was a life saver. There’s a bus that runs down to Cincy, so I never felt like I didn’t have access to a population center. Hiking Trails | Natural Areas | Miami University
  • If you’re coming up from the south, check out Goggin. I took 3 semesters of ice skating, did IM hockey, and IM broomball here. It’s given some opportunities, even post-grad, that I wouldn’t have been able to get elsewhere. Goggin Ice Center | Athletics and Recreation | Miami University
  • Drive or walk through Western. Previously an all women’s college, it folded into Miami, but the differences between the two campuses remain. It’s a bit quieter than the rest of campus and has some great architecture (Kumler Chapel, Peabody, Boyd). Might be worth checking out the art museum if that interests you.
  • Walk down high street. There’s a good chance your kid will spend most of their non-academic time here.
  • Go to the sundial. That is sorority quad and it’s exactly what I picture when I think of a university campus.

Good info!

He wants to play collegiate golf. So we will Google the golf team and see what we can find out as well.

For lunch, I can throw some recommendations out:

  • Mac n Joes
  • Bagel & Deli
  • Skippers

There are probably the ones everyone here, regardless of graduating class, will have in common. They’re Oxford staples.

Other than that, I’d add:

  • Paesanos
  • Patternson’s (the go-to brunch spot, but does a good lunch too)
  • Bodega
  • Brunos
  • Krishna
  • Phan Shin

For the last two, they’re Indian and Chinese and have been around forever in Oxford because they do it right for the international students.

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The golf coach is JD Fletcher. The program is punching above their weight, and Coach Fletcher is a Miami alum and young and full of energy.

Be warned too, school is out for Winter Break. So some of the popular restaurants and locations could be closed.

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Awesome! I’ll add Hueston Woods to my recommendation list. Great state park with hiking, boating, etc, and it’s home to the primary course used by the golf team.


If you want healthier food, Fridge and Pantry is very good and my daughter’s favorite.

As for Indian food, Little India, a newer place, across the street from Kroger, is the best in town. We have eaten there several times.

And here is the Twitter page for Miami University Golf:


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If your son wants to experience Miami with students on campus, come for a visit in April or Sept/Oct.

Miami has a decent basketball team this year, but students being on break really kills the atmosphere. Oxford is effectively there because of the university and is a ghost town during the last couple weeks of December. Regarding tickets, you can get them via Miami’s website or when you get to the arena. Plenty of seats will be available. https://redhawktix.evenue.net/events/MBKIG

It was 55 and sunny today in southwest Ohio, so winters aren’t horrible.

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Totally understand about the students. We are dropping in since we will be close by.

Just to give him some ideas of what college looks like and what different campuses offer.