Tyler Cochrane

Reportedly he is leaving Oregon State. He has already played for NIU, Ball State, and Toledo. He is an all MAC level player. Probably there are few MAC programs who still have a scholarship available. How about contacting him to see if there is any interest?

Sorry, Dick. But a kid that is looking for his FIFTH school can’t be depended upon. Why waste the time and effort to bring him in. His “commitment” is meaningless. Soon, the court’s will allow portal transfers in the middle of a season and this kid could be a poster child for the first in season transfer.

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That is one way of looking at it. However, you are making some assumptions about Cochran that might not be true. Last year we brought in a guy on his 4th school and he was a great addition. He was mature, dependable, great under pressure. Probably our team MVP. Cochran was a major part of Toledo’s last two regular season championships. Likely he is just looking for money and playing time and one of them is not working out. Who knows? Maybe he would like getting the chance to get a Miami degree. He would fit in well with our style of play.

I’m with Mighty on this. I truly love your optimism…but if someone is on their 5th college there are other issues below the surface.

Yea, you’re right. To reject him out of hand may be unfair. But he would have to be a hell of a player and, more importantly, a great kid who would have to recruit us.
Sometimes it works out. But as a general rule, I would really have to see inside the kid’s head and see a player who desperately wants a “last chance” to prove himself. And he would have to have good explanations for why he would be on his 5th school. A strong recommendation from a Miami contact, such as Chet Mason, would help convince me. I am all in on giving a kid a chance, not just write him off. But…
And get a Miami degree? Not sure how or about that possibility–or a desire on our part to give him one.

So here’s someone I noticed that I would have taken a flyer on. Guy started at Georgetown and is now transferring to Langston University. He’s 7’2”. I think Reece obviously has more upside, but having that kind of body would be good for him practice against IMO and it’s a one year rental. Certainly the Rutgers transfer will help. Anyhow, I might be wrong but here’s the link. I will update in 2 seconds.

Here it is:


@MightyMU1 If he fulfills the requirements for a degree why would we not give him one?

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We would. I don’t know how transfer credits are granted or what one needs to qualify for a degree. I just don’t want us to give away degrees because a kid plays his last of five years at Miami. I know athletes have to maintain the credits toward a degree to remain eligible. However, as I say, I don’t know the rules and if he qualifies, then yes–give him his degree.

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I saw one report that Oho State has already reached out to Cochran.

Toledo is also interested in having him back.

San Diego State is also interested.

I don’t think he will be in Oxford next year.

The fact that Toledo would love to have him back says the angst expressed by some regarding having him on our team is very misplaced. He played for the Rockets 3 years, with an injury redshirt and then two regular season MAC championships in which he was one of their best. Next year will be his 6th season. Like Brett Gabbert he has an injury redshirt season and has played 4 seasons and this will be his Covid year.

My “angst” is not misplaced. It is my opinion based on watching Miami/MAC/college basketball bball for 53 years.
And, so Toledo wants him back. Maybe they think with him they can break their 44 year non-NCAA appearance drought. Yea, they have a stellar record of success.