Troy at Miami at 1:00 Saturday on ESPN+

Two questions but first, a thanks to you, Jive for all you’ve done to make this space engaging. Ok, question #1. I took the bait and went to that site. Granted, I’m old, but I’m telling you that site is like circa 1993. So…is that an old indexed site or is someone building that ancient thing on a modern tech stack? 2. Has Troy found a wormhole in time to go back to the 90’s. If so, I think we win this game as we dominated the ‘90’s in hoops.

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Hey, I got my Masters there!



Weak message board they have. And it doesn’t seem like there’s much participation. Makes me thankful for what we have!

Can’t even trash talk the opposition for this one.

Is there a way to watch this other than via ESPN+ for those who get me

Potter in sweats

Cold shooting all around so far. Miami up 3 early.

Very physical so far…

Lots of open looks, but not hitting. Defense looking better than it has in a few games.

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We’re missing a bunch of treys, Troy missing inside looks. 12-8 Miami with 12:00 to go in the half.

Troy settling in on d

Looks like a decent student crowd. Team struggling. Troy on a 9-0 run.

Kind of a sloppy game. Indicative maybe of two teams playing a non-conference game in the middle of a conference schedule.


Solid Troy D, but it looks like we’re being sloppy with our passes. 17 all at the U8.

Troy very handsy, Miami having trouble getting the ball on rebounds.

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Craft still struggling. Missing wide open looks.

Kraft looks lost. Not sure why he’s out there. In general we are very weak w ball.

Troy pressing after every made shot. Seems to be disrupting our rhythm on offense.

21 points, 4 minutes to go

Because he sucks the defense in. He’s the reason the driving lanes exist for Suder and Ipsaro.