Yes. There is a pretty good crowd on the student /ga side.
Miami has made the same amount of 3s as Toledo has shots
Assists 14-3
@CBusHawk in shambles
Normally I’d feel bad about piling on, but I sent him a DM apologizing for the initial interaction and got so much hate in response
This team is deep
T is for Toledo!
This old bald ref needs to go to jv high school
C’mon, guys!
You have a sizable lead.
Stop with the the chippy play!
These refs are ridiculous
Oh, and don’t get sloppy.
Play your game!
You got this!
Chuck really limping. Is that a recent thing?
Chuck Martin in the red and black plaid pajama pants again tonight.
Miami’s Black Curtain defense holding Toledo to 32%
They are going to call a foul every time
Not playing our best right now.
Need to get through this stretch.
Toledo out Quicking Miami right now. Too much swiping.
This seems to happen a lot. Decent double digit lead early in the second half and they have to make it interesting again.
We’re playing like we’re up by 12 with a minute left!?!?
Can’t play stall ball with 14 minutes left and only a 14 point lead.
We’re playing like we did down the stretch against OU, too much screwing around on offense and drawing too many fouls on D.