The Miami Claws Panthers Basketball Box

Comments: 39-11 free throw attempt advantage. Ipsaro and Hunter combine for 17-17…9/13 assist/to ratio…Morris with 7 rebounds and four blocks (both team highs).

Officials: T Romo, M Shanahan, and K. Duckworth. Technical foul - S Payton (E. Illinois) for coaching outside box.


Nice win!

I can’t remember the last time we had 39 FT attempts, or 31 makes for that matter.

This is the last D1 OOC game we play against a team not ranked in the top 150 outside of WSU at 173. Right now we’re sitting at 240. We beat #360 and #322 this weekend but lost to #209 and #201 earlier. I’m not sure what I expect the rest of the OOC schedule, but consistent improvements still might not mean wins.

I think this team, once Potter is healthy and Mirambeaux is eligible, should finish in the top 200 (maybe #170). That’s an improvement over last year and would put us in line for the 5th or 6th seed in the MAC.


Davidson is 2-2 with a win over Maryland and a three point loss to Clemson in Asheville. They also lost a close game to East Tennessee. They host Wright State the week before they play us.

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I do remember when we had 4.