The Miami at Denver, time to snap this losing streak thread (with a TV option!)

I miss winning

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Yep. When I see these threads, I am almost afraid to look.

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Yeah no wonder we allowed 36 SOG and had less than 20 ourselves

Some Bruno hype-

Demsey and Emmons are back but donato feenstra and turansky are out

Last minute change, guess Morrison couldnā€™t go

Interesting. He was on the ice for warmups.

Was Turansky? Or is he going in cold

Hopefully this was a planned game time decision and they had both of them out there just in case

I didnā€™t notice Turansky, but I wasnā€™t specifically looking for himā€¦I knew Morrison got banged up last night so I had an eye out for him. :confused:


Bad start from bruno

I was about to compliment that PKā€¦big improvement from yesterday


Well, in all fairness, the pk was over.

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One of the best PKs of the season followed by one of the softest goals seconds lateršŸ˜‚

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This is gonna get ugly

It was 2-0 yesterday and didnā€™t get too ugly! We gotta lock in

Hope we have some more speed next year

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How can other schools have bad seasons and then rebuild the next season but we have been in this terrible state of suck for almost a decade through many coaching regimes?

Anthony Noreen inherited a 1-21-2 NCHC teamā€¦itā€™s going to take longer than half a season to fix that


Iā€™m sensing a snowman