Just got an athletic department email that had a really extensive tickets/athletic department survey link included in it. All about tickets/attendance/likes-dislikes etc.

If you see the note take the time to fill it out and comment in this thread. Would like to hear what some of the really sharp folks in this group have to say about it.


Just finished filling it out (even though I didn’t get the email it was forwarded to me). Not much new, big RedHawk fan, think the athletics programs are generally going in a good direction but the support isn’t matching the progress. Underwhelming experience outside of the games (timeout activities and such). Outside of the tshirt toss, which uses the same shirt every time, these typically only engage a couple or handful of people participating and isolate everyone else. Need to find ways to engage entire sections of people (especially students) through new music on the playlists, theme nights, other fun and preferably non sponsored activities throughout the game. Obviously there will still be some of those because it brings in $$$ but they kill any life in the building and it’s very difficult to get back. Also wondering why the survey was sent out just now and not ready to go at the end of this past athletic year. Would have made it much easier to digest the feedback and take actionable steps towards improvement for the coming year


Yep, just completed it. I had some rather brutal responses. Hope someone calls me for further explanation.

Also just completed it. They have done similar surveys in the past and I didn’t notice any significant changes. I think they do them to give us the appearance of caring.


I agree with preaves when he questioned why this survey was sent out at a time where it will have little or no effect on this coming season. I hate to say it, but it seems to be the way things are done in Oxford. One would think after a successful fball season and the expectation of a really special year, plus the success of softball, a very strong men’s bball season on the horizon and the success of other teams and individuals who gained AA exposure, this should have been done in time to effectuate some of the ideas this year. This is not to say that they may not do so, but it is not a sign that an aggressive attitude has suddenly struck inside the athletic department.
Hope is not a plan.


I filled it out

The survey seemed like it was only for alumni and potentially designed to gage interest in the NIL fund. They need one for students to see if they can figure out how they can get students to pack Yager and skip Brick for one Saturday out of 15 in the fall semester for games


Filled it out, left some equally brutal responses. I don’t particularly expect a call back from anyone but would love to pick up the phone if they do!

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I don’t think this is for the NIL fund. That’s already been started and is being run by Kyle Decker.

I haven’t finished it, but have left some less-than-stellar feedback. My expectations are close to zero. For folks who were around last year, I sent a very long email before the Toledo football with a list of problems that were easy to fix and sub-par for D1. It was circulated around the department, I had 3 people email me saying they’d have updates, and I’ve heard nothing since.

And one of those issues is nobody could buy tickets for the Toledo game if you were already logged into your ticket account. How does that get missed leading up to the biggest game of the season?


Jive, I made mention of the total lack of cell phone reception in, and around the Football Stadium and thru parking/tailgating lots. ( on big crowd games such as Parents weekend and Homecoming.).
This included the law enforcement members on hand they were concerned.This is a huge safety issue and must be addressed… just say’in.


Survey Says Youre Wrong GIF

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I also responded. In addition to the other issues listed here, which I have also experienced, parking at Yager is a nightmare. Last year, I purchased parking specifically for the Millet lot. When we arrived two hours before game time (BG game), it was “full” and we were directed to some field down the hill where we eventually found parking. Who treats their customers this poorly (other than airlines of course)??


Seemed very homemade. Can’t help but think if they really cared, they’d hire a company that could do a more comprehensive survey.

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If they really cared, they’d address the many issues that have been continually raised over the many years by both surveys and direct face-to-face discussions. But I suppose, doing meaningless periodic surveys makes them feel better about themselves and enables them to “check a box” in a “How to run a customer-focused business” manual.

I once sat on a private club board and we spent $25,000 to “engage” with our membership in a survey conducted by a respected outside professional services org. When the results were presented to the board, nothing changed even though issues were raised. I resigned soon thereafter, realizing that it was a total waste of my time.


Yeah, some of the questions they asked would get shot down from my market research professor at FSB.

Did find it funny that they allowed respondents to put 1900 as their birth year. I know Millett is known for blue hairs but The Knolls hasn’t perfected eternal life yet to my knowledge.


One other problem I noticed was that after checking the box to say I was a graduate, there was no option for 2024 in the dropdown box and I had to pretend I graduated in 2023 :roll_eyes:


I did mention HawkTalk as a place where I get Miami news. And I was able to vent my frustration that we played Thunderstruck when Marshall visited. Now get the hell off my lawn


Yep, I said HawkTalk is where I obtained all my Miami news as no place else seemed to care.


It was Bushwood CC. Tell me it was and lie if you must.

It was Bushwood CC…I lie to make things sound better.

Might also have been a Club in Tucson, AZ.

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