
Think they’re already building hotel right by Millett. Ultimately they tear it down and build something else on it.

The hotel is on the west side of the Millett lot. Should be about finished by now.

Great. Then stop charging students and their parents the activities fee and big pockets like you can make up the difference. Repeat after me: universities exist for the students. Period.

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Hopefully, Miami breaks ground on their new arena this Spring and can fast-track construction to have the building finished in 18 months…in time for the 2026 tip-off.

I vividly recall the delays that seemingly ran on forever with Yager because of a stock market being uncooperative with funding that was dependent upon outside sources and Miami should have learned their lesson from that experience.

Get the shovels ordered…time flies when you’re building a large and costly structure.

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Sayler has a heavy financial/accounting background if I recall, and he’s been fiscally responsible for the department from what I’ve seen in 10+ years. I’d be surprised if he didn’t have funding lined up once they official announce it.

The usual rule is you have 50% of the funding secured before announcing

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Have heard that athletics has a higher ratio due to a recent track record of not being able to complete funding for projects.

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Interesting…what projects specifically?

Also curious. The fundraising campaign the athletic department had for all the recent builds was completed. I think I remember the gunlock center ending up costing more, but I’m pretty sure a donor ended up covering the difference.

No specifics but the story that was told was that the university had to make up the shortfall on several projects. Some of that could have been paid back down the line by donors.
