Think they’re already building hotel right by Millett. Ultimately they tear it down and build something else on it.
The hotel is on the west side of the Millett lot. Should be about finished by now.
Great. Then stop charging students and their parents the activities fee and big pockets like you can make up the difference. Repeat after me: universities exist for the students. Period.
Hopefully, Miami breaks ground on their new arena this Spring and can fast-track construction to have the building finished in 18 months…in time for the 2026 tip-off.
I vividly recall the delays that seemingly ran on forever with Yager because of a stock market being uncooperative with funding that was dependent upon outside sources and Miami should have learned their lesson from that experience.
Get the shovels ordered…time flies when you’re building a large and costly structure.
Sayler has a heavy financial/accounting background if I recall, and he’s been fiscally responsible for the department from what I’ve seen in 10+ years. I’d be surprised if he didn’t have funding lined up once they official announce it.
The usual rule is you have 50% of the funding secured before announcing
Have heard that athletics has a higher ratio due to a recent track record of not being able to complete funding for projects.
Interesting…what projects specifically?
Also curious. The fundraising campaign the athletic department had for all the recent builds was completed. I think I remember the gunlock center ending up costing more, but I’m pretty sure a donor ended up covering the difference.
No specifics but the story that was told was that the university had to make up the shortfall on several projects. Some of that could have been paid back down the line by donors.
Sounds like it will be Cook Field. Depth.
Sounds like it boiled down to more space and not having to knock down buildings. I don’t agree with all of the list of the supposed benefits versus the SW Quad site but it is what it is.
Interested to see more detailed plans/renders.
I preferred the SW Quad but the Cook site is still a sensible location. I lived in Dorsey my freshman year, would’ve been nuts having an new arena across the street.
If/when Millett is demolished I wouldn’t be surprised to see a new smaller building take its place next to the softball field (or expand the Gross Center) for athletic department offices and non-football/basketball/volleyball facilities while keeping space for intramurals. I’m not sure if intramural fields could be used for tailgating next to the parking lot but that might be an added benefit.
A slap in the face to the JohnnyMac plan.
While I hate losing green space around campus, Cook Field was the location of our football stadium for decades. Heck, the old ticket office still stands. And it is a very large space. Looking at the overhead view, it appears that nearly 4 Millett Halls could fit into its footprint.
I just hope that if this goes through, it’s done tastefully. It gives me pause to see the mention of “potential future hotel and restaurants.” This is an area of campus with academic, residence and dining halls in the immediate surroundings, so I do hope they show some restraint there.
I think that location just “hit the most boxes” for the committee and the donor.
My concern with Cook field is that once we build a first rate arena there and the students/fans pack the place full every game and no one can beat us at home, we will be accused of having “Home Cooking” from the refs.
Ok that was terrible and my dog farted as I wrote that.
Carry on.
“Should the arena project move forward”…
“This proposed project is an exciting opportunity to enhance Miami and the Oxford community for years to come, and we look forward to continuing to explore the idea of a new arena,” President Crawford said.
So I assume nothing’s been decided about even having an arena be a part of whatever is going in the space?