
Too bad.


I knew Bishop Circle is hallowed ground. I didn’t realize Cook field - Miami’s old football practice field - was off limits. It does seem like an ideal spot for a new arena if the front lawn of Millett doesn’t work.


Not that is would be an overriding consideration, but that field is used for a lot of intramural sports. Where would they move those to? Not a lot of empty green space left on campus. Having been there twice in the last 3 weeks.

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I once ran two miles back to back in under 12 minutes around Cook Field. It was 530 am and soon after, I promptly barfed all over my shoes. Good times!

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Green space on campus is mostly long gone. Used to be space across from Scott Hall and Goggin took down a field I used to walk across every day to get to classes. Used to practice football at Cook and threw the discus back in the corner by the service buildings. Need it for intermurals for sure. Some spaces between dorms on Maple Ave and Oak Ave. Bit of space for the marching band to practice.
Trying to shoestring something in the grassy area in front of Millett sounds so-so to me. I like the way the old joint sits back in the space and looks kind of majestic. Jamming a new place at the end of Talawanda in front of Millett just seems too cramped like something you’d find in a downtown arena space. If anything, build it in the parking lot at Millett and when done tear Millett down and turn in into a very expensive parking area when the new joint is done.
Better yet…re-bop Millett. Great bones and hardly over used and abused.

I think the marching band moved their practice area a few years ago. They played the Alma Mater after their last November practice there -one final time - and dedicated it to all of us who had practiced on that field in bygone years.

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Are there still two practice fields by Yager? There was one grass and one artificial turf. Couldn’t those two fields be used for intramurals? I don’t think football uses them at all, nor do women’s sports since they now have their own facilities.

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Marching band practices next to the Richard Cocks Art Museum. Just up from that.


Well since they barely use it anymore, just blow up Western Dining Hall and build the new arena there! :rofl: :sunglasses:

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What is lost on this group and more importantly those decision makers at Miami University is that the task to raise money for Millett Hall upgrades or a new facility has fallen at the feet of the likes of Joel Maturi, Brad Bates and David Sayler. The University has been hands off.

Since it was built in 1968 Miami has built:

two (2) Hockey Arenas
1 new baseball stadium
1 new softball stadium
1 new Swimming/Diving Center
Randy Gunlock Family Athletic Center -Football
Dauch Indoor Center-Football
Cradle of Coaches-Football
1 new field hockey complex
The Gross Center/Student Development Center
Women’s Soccer Field
The Miami Tennis Courts

However, as I’ve mentioned before, Millett Hall is NOT just for Men’s Basketball.

It houses Women’s Basketball.
It houses Women’s Volleyball,

Further, it is the home for the Miami University Athletic Offices.

It houses the ROTC program.
It has hosted commencement exercises, larger university events and concerts.

Miami has had fundraising efforts:
“Love and Honor” raised $500M. It had an athletic component that helped build the new “Goggin”, a new field hockey complex, a new baseball complex, a new softball complex and it provided funds for the McVicker Football complex additions as well as other Yager renovations. The L&H campaign provided NO support for Millett Hall. $0 Dollars were earmarked for MBB, WBB or WVB or Millett Hall

The Graduating Champions Campaign was an ALL-ATHLETIC capital campaign. The goal was to raise $80M. The campaign website suggested it was a “once-in-a-generation effort that will create and name the signature athletic facilities that will be cornerstones of today’s and tomorrow’s athletic success.” This “once in a generation” effort provided $0 to MBB, WBB, WVB or Millett Hall. There WAS a component for $4M to address locker rooms and support services (only 5% of the campaign). This was scrapped as Miami said it had bigger plans for Millett Hall!!!

So why doesn’t the university as a whole want to help these 3 programs and create a bigger statement by incorporating other amenities for the school? Perhaps a big conference center (like what they did at HIGH POINT). Why not add a hotel? A new dorm? An added rec complex for the north end of campus.

Absolutely negligent handling over the past 20+ years. Shameful


The one addition that you mentioned as new amenities is a hotel. At least that part has apparently been resolved by the approval of a hotel on the west side of Millett parking lot. That leads me to believe they may, in fact, plan on a Millett gut and rebuild. Could work out well.

Someone remind me of the estimated figures:

  1. cost to build new reasonably sized (seating 5-6K for hoops) arena?
  2. Cost to gut and fully renovate Millet?

If/when the reboot Millett happens they will possibly/hopefully take some of the newfound space and create new space if needed to:
1, Create a dedicated and properly designed Athletic Hall Of Fame space. Love & Honor!
2. All sports Coach’s offices on 1st/2nd floor–I think some of the coaches offices are still down in the basement–get 'em out of the dungeon! Talk about a crappy 1st impression!
3. Banquet spaces for different team and group functions
4. Dedicated team meeting rooms for any sport that needs one
5. Upgrade locker rooms for all sports that use Millett and/or Yeager-not sure what they look like now but would bet the house they’re not like football. Major league upgrade them to make a major league impression on a prosepctive highschool athlete used to highschool locker rooms.
5 Study rooms or areas for athletes
6. Athlete’s gathering area/lounge area outside locker room complex.

  1. Dedicate a small space in Millett for a recreation of Bang’s.

Also, the secret drinking club for well heeled donors called “Progresi Quam Con Speakeasy” needs a spot. I’ve already designed the drinking jackets with Swoosh holding a keg of beer in his talons so we’ve got that going for us.


oh come on it’s not really named Dick Cocks is it?

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I could see the value of a new site closer to the middle of campus, but I would think the economics and current infrastructure (parking lots, space etc.) favor a Millet renovation.

The outside of Millet may be a little boring, but it’s a nice brick building and a new entrance facade with more first floor windows could enhance the curb appeal.

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There is a grass soccer field dedicated only for soccer. Other than that we only have our indoor and Yager for practices and inter murals use both cook and the DISC


Actually it is

The AD’s comment was not meant to be in the past tense. My understanding from a conversation about 2 weeks ago (now that DS is talking in public I feel better about saying this) is that the major donor that had committed to a full renovation of Millett right before Covid hit is still at least somewhat engaged on a solution. They are looking at a space uptown at the end of high street - potentially in the general area behind the arts center (old Ox College). The idea is that the students have proven to head uptown in the winter - this would place the arena in the region of high street and the bars. As far as I know, this is an exploratory thing at this stage - but the good news is that they are engaged with donors and trying to sell a plan.