Softball vs Kent

Is it a good crowd there? Yesterday when we were there it was a great crowd.

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The crowd is good. Lots of folks on the first base line and into the stands at the end. 3rd base line up top is good. Main stands about half full

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This cost $5 at the softball concession stand. Miami doesn’t need to play Northwestern in football, just sell more candy at games.

Three home runs so far in Game 2. Parisien with two and Kobayashi with one.


Officially clinched the regular season championship today.


Do you have a report on the quality of the soda products ?

Bottles only, no carbonation issues :grinning:


Soda was in bottle form at $6 a bottle. I brought my drink with me. But I did buy a $4 Gatorade (red flavor) with the peanut M&M’s. That was a total of $9 for the two

Miami’s esteemed Accounting Department needs to do an analysis on the margins for softball concessions. I’m sure Miami is paying a premium on what they sell at the stand

But only 14 home games were played by Miami softball all season. That’s sad.

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They ripped you off at $6 for pop , I paid $4 at Friday’s game

Dynamic pricing!

  1. Double header today

  2. I brought my own pop with me. I’ve been to too many sporting events to know better

We used to show up at McKie Field with a Bruno’s pizza and a bottle of Yukon Jack.


YJ!! Breakfast of champions.

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That’s pretty damned syrupy for pizza! Reminds me of a night when I ate Chicago Deep Dish and washed it down with Aquavit, the Danish drink flavored by Caraway seeds. Worshipped the porcelain shine all morning!

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Smart move!!