Scrimmage on Saturday

12:30 for the Scrimmage with practice starting at 11:30. Then the team has a tailgate at 1:30, so the scrimmage will be much shorter than a real game. I think it is open to everyone. Not sure if it will be in the basement facility or on the regular floor. Still leaves time to get something to eat before the football game. If everybody is healthy and with a few walkons we probably can have 7 or 8 on a side.


I just read that it will not be downstairs, but on the main floor.


I look forward to reading your recap afterwards Dick.


I am planning to attend - looking forward to seeing some of the new faces.

Anyone attend the scrimmage? Any insights?


We are going to shock the world. Team is insanely good. I believe we will be great.

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Thanks for the review! Appreciate any tidbits I can get!


From Fairdale HS in Louisville

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So watching the practice before the scrimmage it was some shooting drills and some half court work on running plays and defensive situational work. The practice I saw earlier this year was also mostly half court work. In watching that I still had the opinion that we have a lot of good players but nobody that looked like a potential star.

Then when we scrimmaged some guys kind of separated themselves with their speed and open court abilities. Watching half court I could see little difference in our 3 point guards. But full court I thought Mekhi stood out and I thought our freshman point guard struggled a bit, especially when he tried driving the basketball which is a big part of his game.

In the half court Elmer just did not do much but once we went full court you could see his athleticism and instincts take over. I saved the best for last. Xavier transfer Cam Craft tried to take over the game late in the scrimmage and I think he ended up with 5 threes. He also made some nice moves inside but had trouble finishing those. What he showed at the end of the scrimmage is that he has the mentality and the talent to take over a game and explode. He has not played much basketball the last two seasons and is going to have to adjust to the game at this level but I think we have found the guy who can become our difference maker.

Something to worry about is that once again Reese Potter was unable to practice. I was told that he has been practicing and then having to sit out off and on since this summer. He told me that his Doctor thinks he is still growing and I think back issues are common for young kids who are seven footers.


these super tall dudes are just built differently. (pun intended!) very common for them to have odd injuries the rest of the guys don’t get. the notion that reece is still growing is astonishing. maybe he will end up like 7’3" before he graduates. hard to fathom for us regular folks.

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I’ve been curious about Brant Byars. Any impressions of him?

Maybe the best 3 point catch and shoot on the team. Looks like he understands the game. Probably much more of a 3 than a 4 because of his build, but might put on weight and strength since he is just a redshirt freshman.

One guy I wanted to say something about but forgot in my earlier post is that Kotecki is improved and should get regular playing time this year. One of the guys that I was sitting with pointed out that he looks more cut this year. I agree with that and I think he will be a big contributor.


Thanks for the insights, @DICK

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Did Suder make an impression at the scrimmage ?

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I think he looks solid and competent and experienced. I think he averaged 10ppg which makes him the only guy on our roster who averaged in double digits in D1 college basketball last year. I have not seen him do anything on the court to make you say Wow but I would trust him in any situation to make the right play.

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Steele sounds confident in the podcast. That being said, he sounded super-confident before last season as well. I’ve got a long history of being overly excited for Miami basketball, which then leads me to sad places in the winter. So I’m trying to keep moderate expectations.

(Cue Yellow#5 predicting we make it to the Final 4.)


I’m a realist here. I’d settle for the tourney and it’s a long way till March. That said, the roster is legit now and we hung with way better teams last year with a not so great roster so there’s reason for excitement. If we stay healthy and play smart we will be a tough, tough out.


Haven’t heard anyone mention Woolfolk. How does he look?