Scanning the portal


Agreed- Like the Sudder signing but we need at least on e more big to be competitive next year

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How many more can we add

3 open. (Maybe they use two and keep one for a January transfer/early enroll.) ps, I read coach Calipari say he might only play 8-9 scholarship plus walkonā€™s at Arkansas. Says heā€™s sick of using all his scholarships on players heā€™s developing who wonā€™t play who then go away because of that anyways. It struck me as equal parts odd and insightful.

Itā€™s been a minute so Iā€™m just wondering if anybody has heard any rumblings

Does anyone know if we are still recruiting transfers for 2024 or have we moved on?

currently have 12 scholarship players with 1 available.

I would think we are set for next season UNLESS we can add a high level player that would be in the rotation


The one unique thing about the 12 on scholarship is that 1 of the 12 is essentially a walk-on - great kid, but a practice player. So, I still look at it like Coach Steele only has 11 players with a viable path to eventual playing time. So, for me, I would be a bit more comfortable if we added one more from the portal. I agree it needs to be a good fit, but feel like we are somewhat light with 11 traditional recruits on board.

Agree. Iā€™m anxious to see the whole team together, but I had an image in my mind of what we needed, and I really donā€™t see him yet.

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One of the things that had been mentioned by many (myself included) was a veteran ball handler to help offset any growing pains Ipsaro/Cooper may have. That being said itā€™s hard to imagine we add anyone else at this late date, although I read today that 45% of the college basketball players who entered the portal havenā€™t found a new home yet. Roughly 1700 of 3500 which is pretty staggering.


The portal seems to be a black hole for about half the guys who jump in - football and basketball. It seems to be the river of no return for many.


6.8 points, 2.0 rebounds and 1.0 assists.
(Per gameā€¦Not per half)

Butā€¦They did upset Iowa to make history!

Edit was small so please donā€™t worry.

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Want to elaborate on this? Going into the offseason the team needed 3 things: somebody who could create their own shot, a center, and a strong, versatile defender. They landed all 3. Do you expect the 11th guy off the bench to be a D1 double-digit scorer? Of note, those numbers are nearly identical to Mabreyā€™s. The biggest difference is one plays better defense.

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40-minute numbers. Not 20-minute numbers. 20 is 50% of 40.

Those arenā€™t 40 minute numbers. Those are per game numbers. Thereā€™s a difference between the two. Iā€™ve also never seen per half numbers used, but I suppose somebody somewhere looks at them.

They are game numbers. 40 minutes in a game. Of course nobody plays 40 minutes.

C. Obvious!

Eddie, sometimes people do talk about per 40 minute numbers instead of per game average. For example if some player averaged 4 rebounds per game but only 12 minutes per game you might argue that he or she was a great rebounder because per 40 minutes that would be over 13 rpg. I think your original point was that is pretty low production, why sign him. Which is a good point and likely occurred to most people who looked at those stats. I am just guessing here , but I would guess that Coach was looking for someone to round out the squad who would provide some experience and maturity,maybe some toughness, not someone who was going to end up playing big minutes. Plus there is the bonus that he is a local guy.


jive you probably have a better handle on this than most. Do you think the roster as constructed can compete for the MAC title? I am thinking we probably dont need an 11th or 12th man but could use a #1 option to be honest.

That is a great response Dick. Not snarky, but directly to the point!

Stay cool. Itā€™s brutal out there.

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