Sagarin rankings

Today’s Sagarin rankings suggests Toledo as a 4 point fav over Miami on a neutral field….

Closer than I might have expected but a real shot for the Hawks to win this one.

My preliminary “guess” says Miami 27—Toledo 24. Difference is a beloved field goal.

We can win. I can’t see us scoring 27 points though.

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Sharon Rankings

  1. Stone
  2. Osbourne
  3. Ariel

Well played.

I flunked phone finger typing. I used a rotary model….never caught the next wave.

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Gage scores two. Amos blasts in for one. Nicholson goes 2 for 2….plus 3 XPs.

SP+ also thinks Toledo is only a four point favorite, and predicts a 24-20 final.

Draft Kings has Toledo -8 currently. So if you like Sagarin there’s some potential value to be had.

I don’t know. I was joking around in the BSU thread about Chuck holding back these last three games, and then on Saturday he’ll open the playbook. Unless he actually does this, I don’t think we have a realistic shot. I’m thinking something like 27-10. We really need to force some turnovers and shorten the field. Aveon is not designed to go 80 yards for a score.

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Thinking about Toledo a month ago if the 2nd half defense shows up we might win 3-0 with Aveon at QB. They were best all yeat that half.

We’ll see.

Before checking Sagarin (or Sharon, if Stone’s younger sister or adult daughter is still available) I thought Toledo would open as a 10-13 point favorite…obviously and apparently not so.

What +7 1/2 from Vegas tells me is that the “pro crowd on the Strip” think that Miami’s D and ST’s are pretty damned good and are looking for another low-scoring MAC game while Miami’s offense will continue to struggle and Toledo will prevail by a TD…or thereabouts.

At this point, we need Gage healthy, and more usage of our TE’s which should better balance our ground attack with some semblance of a passing game which should enable Amos to break a few decent-sized runs. From watching Toledo several times this year on TV, they appear to be a very solid team and Miami will need some of that old MIAMI MAGIC----I still have that button in my collection…

I’m still picking Miami over Toledo 27-24 and have my fingers crossed. It may come down to whomever wins the turnover contest.

Does the difference in the sagarin rankings really equate to spread points? Honestly curious….never knew how it worked

Massey Composite combines all of the ranking systems but has a few included which dont count all of the teams like the AP. So the number of ranking systems divided by isnt even for every team. Toledo 35th. Miami 50th. Miamis defense is better than Toledos and rarely surrenders the big play. Toledos dbs are better. Most of the big passing plays on UT were busted coverages where a linebacker or safety wasnt there at all. 10 pbus in the first matchup.

Toledos offense is far better than Miamis, but prone to bad bad throws to no body/the opposing D. No wind or cold should help UT a bit there.

Short fields, turnovers, and special teams bag plays is what Miami will need to win. UT often doesnt play well for entire halves. The Rockets also show the ability to play top 15 caliber football for other.

Will be a battle.