Ohio Mr. Football

Moeller qb is first 12 year old to win award


Damn I’m getting old. He really does look 12.


His older brother is Wally Cleaver!
( old tv show ref.)



“Yes, Dear?”

“I think you were a little hard on the Beaver last night.”


Hey Eddie, wasn’t Eddie The Beavs big brother? It was kinda in our elementary school days!

No, Eddie was Wally’s best friend, shows wise guy.

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“You look lovely today, Mrs Cleaver.” - Eddie


Eddie Haskel. Not to be confused with other friend, Lumpy Rutherford.

Lumpy’s “daddy” Fred was quite the character too.

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A threadjack that gets the approval of Larry, Gilbert and Whitey!


I recall an episode where Lumpy had a football scholarship to “State,” but once they saw his grade card, it was rescinded. Shame.

“Lumpy Rutherford’s college football scholarship - a source of great pride and joy to him - is revoked when it transpires that he got a “D” in math. This is an embarrassing let-down for Lumpy, as he had been riding high with his classmates and even with the girls (a rarity for him) and had been briefly the apple of his father’s eye.”

Also…Wally, who was a better student and athlete than Lumpy, was not offered a scholarship from “State.”

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In real life, Lumpy (the late Frank Bank) was apparently more like “humpy”:

“A longtime resident of the San Fernando Valley, he wrote a memoir, “Call Me Lumpy” (1997). Subtitled “My Leave It to Beaver Days and Other Wild Hollywood Life,” it drew attention mainly because of a bawdy chapter detailing his “perpetual sexfest” during the 1960s. “I have slept with over 1,000 women,” the chapter begins.”

Pffft, who does he think he is, Wilt Chamberlain?

Guy’s lucky he didn’t catch HIV …

That would be quite the feat in the 1960s.