Ohio Men at Miami Saturday around 3:30 ESPN+

I think I might have heard Goodyear’s name?


Maybe not the totally packed house some were hoping for, but still a great crowd for a Miami hoops game. And maybe we’ll actually finish this and win a game with a large showing?

Miami has done very poorly at winning pack the house type games over the last decade+. Gotta win these games to build something


Eddie, a Phil Greisinger sighting.

Hoosier- UC, ranked Buffalo, and I believe Toledo come to mind.

Potter on the sideline with the team, standing.

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Those seat cushions probably disintegrated.


42-30 MU at the first media TO of the 2nd

Ipsaro failed to re-establish both feet inbounds before touching the ball.

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Just 1 FTA to their 12 so far.

Will always remember that UB game as the one where we spotted them something like an 18-0 lead to start but clawed back to a possession at one point.

I’d rather have a big crowd that sees a win than a huge crowd where we lose. They’re not mutually exclusive, but keep winning big home games (and keep up the momentum elsewhere) and the fans will come back.

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Good for AJ Brown to play college hoops in between the NFC Championship and Super Bowl.

Woolfolk takes (and misses) a line drive 3, we give up an easy layup, and then OU drains a deep 3. Lead down to 6, and Steele calls time out.

Terrible stretch here by us

And just like that, the lead is cut to 6.

He was also drafted to the mlb. Truly can do it all!

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Potter checks back in.

Offense kinda dragging

Potter with another trey! 50-39 at the U12

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I’m sitting behind Chris Hudson. He’s here with his family including his 6-month old.