New Miami Arena Rumor

Yes I agree. Not exactly the same thing, but my son’s college built an incredible performing arts building on the main intersection as you enter the campus. It is a beautiful building that enhanced the campus. A basketball arena could fit in as well if it were done in an architectural style that complements the surroundings.

As a couple posters (including me) have noted: the new arena that Elon built that seats 5100 has a beautiful exterior. I could envision a red brick and glass designed building that could “turn heads” facing High Street. It helps that the arena wouldn’t be too large.

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What is the sanctity of Cook Field?

Supposedly haunted

I think a nice on campus arena, in my area, is St Joes in Philly. Around 4000 capacity and not a huge footprint. Very intimate way to take in a game.


Hagan Arena - awesome comparable. 4,200 capacity. Intimate. Cool feel. Inside and out.

Can we try to make Swoop wave his arms the entire game like the St Joe Hawk?

I was thinking about Billings Hall but that apparently will me tied to the geothermal project on Millet lawn

Anyone know what the construction project going on the west side of Millett currently is?

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And 1977, 1978, and 1979.

And let’s not forget the annual Elliott Hall balloon bombing of fraternity viking ships that dared to pass on the side street in front of the dorm.

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Some geothermal thing

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They do when you roast them with bacon.


Dick,aren’t there campus transportation buses that circulate the town?
That would help the students get to a new facility.

There are, run by BCRTA with multiple routes and it’s free for students (subsidized by student fees instead).

There’s only one route which currently has a stop by Millett and it loops through uptown housing before stopping there, making it quicker to walk from most of campus.

Rumor:the Fastest way to get uptown in the winter with no car?
Call campus police ( aka,seekies back in the day) and report a fight in your dorm.when the campus police show up and come in to investigate
and leave their car running outside ( it’s winter)……:sweat_smile:

I do not understand this anti-walking attitude of Miami students. Students I talked to claimed Yager and Millett are too far when it is 20-30 mins from the farthest point on campus. Even people who live within 10-15 minutes say its too far. But apparently Uptown every single Thursday, Friday, and Saturday is not too far…


Don’t put basketball up as an alternative to partying at Miami.
Miami is a top 20 party school supposedly. Not quite so on basketball.

I’m not saying it is. I’m saying this “walking problem” for students seems to disappear at certain times

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Lazy mfs


This might work…but feel free check my points.
Build the arena on Cook Field. Dig down several feet if advisable to lower the overall height. Attach a hotel to the north side of the arena…facing the B-school…and add a parking garage if space permits…but Miami also has a decent parking garage (North Garage) within walking distance.

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Will it be called “Proposed Arena” until Xerox stock takes off?