New Miami Arena Rumor

If someone wants to pay for a new arena on campus, I will personally help tear down King Library. Buckets over books, baby!


Could the North Campus academic garage (650 spaces) be utilized? Most games occur when classes aren’t in session.

I don’t think the uptown garage would be adequate. Capacity is only 224 spaces, and there are a lot of reserved spaces for the Elms hotel.


In terms of parking this site would probably be equal or better than a potential Phillips Hall site. The North garage is only a 3 minute walk from this site. It has 650 spaces, 50 more than the South garage by Goggin. There are also two surface lots nearby that could be utilized as well as the Cook Field parking.

Service access would potentially be an issue. You could construct something off of Irvin to run between Ogden and Harrison but not sure you would want to disrupt that already tight area. Tearing down Ogden would make this aspect easier.

It’s a radical idea but your point makes sense in a day and age where everything can be found online. I would hope they’ve removed all computer labs unless they’ve been repurposed for bit coin mining or the like.

Eh….no one seemed to care when they overbuilt western campus. I’d say build it on cool field

There was definitely concerns raised over the new construction on Western eating up green space but that area held significantly less sentimental value than this proposed site. It also wasn’t a wooded area. When you develop open fields people care less than when you start chopping down trees.
If I had a vote I would put it at Cook Field vs this site and like someone else mentioned the current Millet site could be repurposed for recreation/intramurals.


What about the site where the McGuffey Lab school is/was on the corner of South Campus and Spring St.? They would have all the parking available from Goggin.

This is well overdue, and exciting that it may come to reality. I love the idea of Phillips location, Cook field as well. Someone mentioned a new hotel, does that mean the Miami Inn space is open, because I think that space plus the parking lot/ service road might be enough to fit a 5,000 seat arena. I looked at the Elon university arena, and that is basically what I have always imagined a new arena should look like.

If Cook gets used, is Millett coming down? That could be the new open field space. Would the new arena have to hold commencement ceremonies and such, and need to have a certain seat threshold? (Nobody probably knows, just thinking out loud) I don’t like the space across from Lewis as much, personally.

Most of the argument against it I recall seemed to be that the woods were intended to be a natural/undeveloped area but undeveloped shouldn’t mean un-maintained. It’s a much better and more functional area now.


What is your objection to an alternate location, like where Phillips sits? There is very little that actually goes on at Phillips.

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I totally agree. Cook Field would be a great location. Easy access from in and out from two directions. Lots of parking. Much more centrally located to make it easier for students to get there. Makes too much sense not to do it there.

And look, let’s be honest, none of this is getting decided without input from Theman!

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Maybe he is the big donor! :grin:

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My memory is hazy, but is that where the indoor pool used to be on the north end of campus? If so, I’m shocked it’s still there.

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It didn’t take us long to move from a wishlist of a new hoops arena to a debate on its location! :grin:

That just makes too much sense!:rofl:

For reasons of expense control, it sure would make sense to use Goggin parking already in place.

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For a seventeen year old and their parents with a wealth of higher education options what makes Miami different? Why did we choose Miami?

For myself, it just looked and felt to me like the stereotype of a college I had in my head. Miami is different than most of it’s peer institutions in that it is quite simply gorgeous.

Placing an arena on High street and astride slant walk would irrevocably take away from that.

Like everyone on this board I am a huge Miami athletics supporter. Unlike most on this board Miami basketball is my first love. An arena in that location is too high a price to pay to resuscitate the program.


Just to to clarify as the source of the original post……I was told that a donor has offered to fund part of a new area on campus but not the entire amount. The professors who told me this had specific numbers but I don’t remember exactly what they were. It was roughly 1/3 of the cost of the whole arena that would be covered by this one donor. The source said that Miami had no idea where the other 2/3’s would be coming from. I don’t know whether this means that it’s all pie-in-the-sky or whether it would be relatively easy to come up with the additional funds from other donors or the government to make this go. If it’s going to be located next to the Phi Delt gates, I hope it’s just wishful thinking at this point and it goes down in flames.