Professor Baird used to ask his “back benchers” to open the windows of Irvin Hall because he wanted “to see all the way to Millville!”
At least two other people on here are reporting facts. And what D-Day reported is consistent with what those other two previously reported.
This story was printed at 5pm last night, 11/21/24. I cannot attest to the accuracy of the facts. University proposes new arena near Slant Walk - The Miami Student
I wish this site were around for the nickname change. That would’ve been so much fun
I have little to add other than to say I think the most well thought out post on this thread was HawksVox of 14 hours ago. And I have been around on this board and various changes since its inception eons ago including name changes. Peace out!
Thanks. It appears the administration’s reasons for wanting the arena near slant walk is a shifting one. Whether it is to provide a distraction to students for uptown drinking or to get more foot traffic. Who knows? What we do know is that, for some reason, the administration is hell bent on locating the arena near slant walk. They will do and say anything to justify it—I don’t think that matters at this point. Just be aware that this is the location that the administration wants and unless people step up, the trustees will likely rubber stamp it.
If I was more skilled with technology, I would create an online petition to be signed by alumni. That was key to getting the administration to back down on razing Patterson Place several years ago.
I will sign any petition that is against a slant walk desecration.
Where’s a freaking Millennial when you need one!
I’d like to add a couple of points to this discussion…and acknowledge the excellent points made by HawksVox here earlier
- To ask today’s students their preferences is nonsensical as they will not even be at Miami when the new arena will be finished and their minimal turnout at BB games really disqualifies them as what lawyers might call “parties in interest.”
- From having served as a volunteer at Miami after my graduation for over 25 years, it has been a bone of contention among my fellow Miami volunteer alums that the Administration and Trustee groups (with rare exception) have no undergraduate ties to the University…they are either hired or appointed to do a job and the likelihood that any but a rare few of them have their heart strings tied to the Miami traditions beyond the function or job they are hired to do is unlikely.
- Some of my life’s fondest memories were the many times I headed back and forth on Slant Walk either on my way uptown or back to my dorm thereafter (and with a date if I got lucky) or with several friends. The last thing I would ever want tarnished about my four years at Miami is to see Slant Walk become a passageway to a basketball arena and to have the quiet calm that I came to love about that special area become more like a tailgate connected to a sporting event. I’ve been to far too many sporting events in my lifetime across our great country and I have yet to see one in which the immediately surrounding area is anything but peaceful and quiet when a game is on tap. I also would really hate to lose the trees and grass along with the memories.
Out of curiosity, who would be appropriate “parties of interest”?
Peaceful and quiet adequately describes the vibe at Milllett for the past 15-20 years. Can we just bring the 3 rows of metal student bleachers to the Rec Center, play there, and hope there’s 20 kids at the Rec that might be coaxed into watching the game there?
Season ticket holders and maybe students with consistent attendance
The guy with the checkbook of course!
If the new arena is built across from Lewis Place, then it would be the same distance from the slant walk as King Library. People don’t seem to mind having King Library so close to the slant walk. In fact, I think having King Library so close to the slant walk is a good thing.
I don’t believe that is the issue, proximity and distance.
The more I read on the logic of the administration on the proposed site for arena the more nonsensical it becomes.
“Students are uptown having a good time at 1pm on a Saturday and don’t want to make the walk to Millett.”
When I was at Miami close to half of the student body was not up by noon on Saturday let alone uptown.
In addition, more than half of the games tip at night.
It is also without question that most college arenas are on the fringe of campus.They are not built in the heart of campus.
Duke was mentioned above. It is located by other athletic facilities on the periphery of main campus. UNC is on the edge of campus. Ohio U. is situated much like Millett. Students find the arena at all these schools and don’t forget because they are uptown.I have been to all of these venues.
Going to a game is an intentional act. It is rare that someone just decides walking down the street that they will go to a game.
Combine with hotel and other amenities where you can really do something unique on Cook Field or put your the arena on where Johnny Mac advocates and put the hotel where the Miami Inn has been which is close to Farmer. If you are not fully going to utilize Cook why diminish it?
In my opinion Millett is appropriately located in what is Miami’s primary athletics complex - football, track, softball, soccer, baseball, field hockey, etc. are all located from midway down Talawanda to the indoor practice facility. I have been on nearly 100 campuses and none have permanent athletics facilities located primarily in academic or residential parts of campus. I think it’s ludicrous to consider the Slant Walk area for an athletics facility.
I’m signing the Johnny Mac petition.
I agree with the later poster who suggested that long-time season ticket holders would be a good start…throw in alums spanning the last 4-5 decades and I think you might get some useful info. The older alums (those over 60) are the largest “cohort” to engage estate planning professionals and they can move a lot lot of dollars into…and out of Miami if they’re not happy…Emotion vs money.
Obviously, if a big buck donor wants to pony up at least half of the cost, his opinion will carry a lot of weight…after all, like him, I’m a capitalist and money is the coin of the realm.
Does the slant walk location include tearing down Ogden Hall? For me, that alone is a full stop. Perhaps the most beautiful, architecturally significant building on campus. Cannot imagine anyone with a pulse would even consider such a thing.