New Miami Arena Rumor

I tend to think Cook would be best in terms of accessibility and traffic. If chosen as the spot, would the powers to be want to put the hotel there next to the Arena?

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I agree completely, HawkVox!! Let me know where I can send my protest e-mail. Save Slant Walk!!


Thank you for that photo. It shows quite clearly how an arena by slant walk ruins the beauty of the campus. Seriously.

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I am excited for the prospect of a new arena but two things I think are

  1. it wont have a meaningful impact on winning

  2. it wont have a meaningful impact on student attendance

For my winning comment we would be far better taking the money donated for the arena and making it an endowment to pay players. My guess is that our players would rather have $20k than a new arena. BG and EMU saw no noticeable benefit to winning from their new arenas. The best MAC programs have old arenas

As to student attendance- we would be much better off playing UC or Xavier in Millet than Wright State or NKU in a brand spanking new arena. I know that is no longer possible but Miami students dont care about the type of teams we schedule. Nobody grows up a Miami fan. Few of our students care about the MAC. It is a shame because I feel differently but it is my perception of the truth


Does is though? Here’s what an arena the size of Goggin’s main bowl would look like at that spot (cutting off the practice rink part of the building).

As I said, if the plan involves razing Belltower, you can basically put the building mostly in its foot print. A more modern red brick version architected like the other Miami buildings would hardly destroy the beauty of campus. Think Cameron Indoor in red brick and in the style of buildings nearby (obviously would be a bit more modern as Cameron is old but you could do wonders with a good design):

Great photo shop. I didn’t know that Ogden and Bell Tower Place would also be torn down to make way for this. Is that accurate?

Why don’t we tear down Elliott and Stoddard Halls as well for auxiliary parking while we are at?

Probably not as it looks like Ogden was just renovated this year. Here’s what the same size would look like next to that existing building:

Again, I’m not sure this is the right spot, but I’m also not convinced this would be a disaster and “ruin” slant walk. It would all depend on the design.

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HoosierHawk, you’re being very generous with your placement of the potential arena. It would most likely be further west and much closer to Slant Walk to allow for room between it and Ogden, as well as exterior concourses, sidewalks, etc. I would center it right across from Lewis Place. Even if you designed a beautiful building that seamlessly meshed with Miami’s campus, I’m opposed to putting something that big in that spot. It just detracts from the main entrance to campus. Also, based on your positioning, I’d hate to have a dorm room on the west side of Ogden…you’d be staring right into a brick wall!

Having grown up in Oxford, I have witnessed the deterioration of Miami’s green spaces with great sorrow and disappointment. Putting a new arena in existing open space - especially such a conspicuous and historic open space - would further destroy a key element of Miami’s appeal and uniqueness. Plus, Robert Frost would roll over in his grave!!


Absolutely spot on. An arena MIGHT improve attendance for a minute because it’s a shiny object, but it will not last. It will not impact recruiting much either - it won’t trump NIL $. The administration, for whatever reason, is being disingenuous in their arguments. FWIW worth, Yager and Millett weren’t too far to walk for students when Ben and Wally were here. And there are buses!!


And when Harper played at Miami at Millett.


How about a trade, build it next to Slant Walk and in return put the water tower back Uptown.


Excellent point,Mighty MU1


Correct me if I’m wrong but Miami sells Beer at Basketball in Millet and at Hockey in Goggin and at Yager for football. At baseball also,I assume but don’t know.

So how does an arena on Slantwalk that likely would sell beer “keep students from drinking Beer” in the arena or 2-3 blocks away in “ Uptown” ( when the home team falls behind it’s typically a stampede).

Total BS

“Save Slantwalk”:fist:


Where is this coming from? I’ve seen multiple posts about it, but I missed whatever the original source was, and it doesn’t make any sense to me.

You can’t tear down Lewis Place. Didn’t they shoot scenes from RainMan there? Also that’s the spot Marty’s Delorian hits 88 mph to go back to the future.

I’m suprised the town has never monetized our rich film heritage….

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How about the WRA Cabin. Is it still there?

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From the Hotel Roof you can see all,the way to Darrtown!

It comes from a couple of Heppy’s posts. How accurate it is is anyone’s guess, though I will say that it appears Heppy has some legit connections to people in the know and he appears to be more knowledgeable about the planned arena than anyone else here on All that said, I used the word “alleged” for a reason.


I have reluctant to post anything in this thread for multiple reasons, but here goes: The original post in this thread repeated a story from several professors that said “Crawford wants something near High Street to distract the students from the drinking scene.”

On occasions, I overhear or are told things that were not intended for me. What I was told last week by people that would know is that the actual reason is:

Both the Athletic Department and the Administration greatly want to increase student and overall attendance, and they want a location with a lot of foot traffic.

Now, we can all argue and debate whether or not more foot traffic will increase attendance, but it is fairly obvious that High Street & Slant Walk get the most people walking to uptown.


You mean to tell me we’re not privy to all the facts here???