NESCAC Football and Maine Shooting Tragedy

Bates, Colby and Bowdoin are all three scheduled to play Saturday afternoon home games this weekend. Bates, located in Lewiston, just canceled Friday classes.Bowdoin is located in Brunswick, a half hour from Bates.

I wouldn’t be surprised to see all three colleges cancel their Saturday games.

So tragic. Hope they nab him quickly. Sadly, this may have been planned for a while.

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I know a Miami grad whose son plays football for Bowdoin.

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Watched the Polar Bears play Colby in football once at Bowdoin. The Stadium is right next to the piney area that contains the grave of Colonel Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, the hero of Little Round Top.

I’ve watched my kid play Bowdoin twice in hockey in their seriously sweet ice rink. It’s better than a lot of D1 facilities. I watched him play at Colby once, too. Bates is the only NESCAC college that doesn’t play hockey.

Three great Little Ivies in Maine with intense and historic athletics rivalries. Sad to see them in this current situation.

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I had the impression that NESCACDAD’s handle was a malapropism of Nestea & caffeine, or NesCafe and that he was a dad. Interesting to learn what the NESCAC is.

Re: Maine shooting: I’ve been to Lewiston/Auburn/Freeport area several times, and man, if you go north of there, there’s thousands of square miles of wilderness that a person could easily hide themselves in. It’s not like Ohio, or Indiana or Illinois, where you have cities, then towns and farmlands in between … it’s just wilderness with bogs, mountains, crags, woods, rivers… you could hide out there for years.

Yep. The New England Small College Athletic Conference - eleven schools constituting the “Little Ivy League.”

I’ve lived right on the New Hampshire/Maine state line before - due west of Saco. There was nothing but wilderness as you drove north from there.

But I also used to live in the Pacific Northwest and my service area included Alaska. Now there’s a place you could either hide out or hide a body!

I will never understand how someone can do this. Hope this guy is caught before more deaths occur.

Exactly what I expected them to do.

“Hope this guy is caught before more deaths occur.” - Well, you kind of got it in reverse order.