NCAA Tournament Thread

Double play ends the inning, getting Miami out of a jam.

UVA gets 1. But considering they had the bases loaded with nobody out, 1 isn’t bad.

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We’re chasing rise balls out of the zone.

We need to be more patient at the plate.

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This situation seems to be a bit too big for our freshman pitcher so far.

We’re looking like a 3 seed right now.

Let’s go!


Virginia catcher is so annoying.

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Terrible at bat by Jenna G

My stream froze for a couple of minutes and this made me think the offense got going.


Bingham is stuffing our bats up our booties.

Lackadaisical throw by Blaska.

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Got out of it. Time for the bats to come alive. Running out of innings!

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Second straight at bat where Spaid has been hit with a called strike on a pitch way outside the zone.


Damn! That was supposed to be the HR!


That was a microcosm of the the frustration that is this game.

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Six walks and four hits in 4.3 innings …we’re lucky it’s only 3-0.

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5-zip……on to the PGA golf.