NCAA Tournament Thread

Weather forecast for Knoxville actually worsening now. 70-80% chance of rain and thunderstorms all day Friday and Saturday. 60% chance Sunday early.

Her value on the open market doesn’t equate to her value to Miami. If an SEC school will give her 200K, that doesn’t mean that, given Miami’s resources, she holds the same value in the eyes of Saylor. That’s college sports economics and has been in play since Woody Hayes packed his bags for Columbus.

Hope we find a way to keep her, but I won’t hold my breath.

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Rain is supposed to start right at 12:30. Fantastic.

Meanwhile, it’s supposed to be cloudy, but not rainy, throughout the afternoon and evening in Oxford, Charlottesville, and Dayton. Clearly, Tennessee should be relegated to the 4th seed.

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The Athens Region is going to get clobbered all weekend, too.

OSU let their coach go, wasn’t she at Miami previously? I’d be a bit nervous OSU may be calling, and hopefully several weeks from now!

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Yes Kelly Kovach Schoenly was head coach from 2007-2012. At the time was the programs all-time win leader and made two NCAA appearances. In the ESPN article they refer to a history of the program focusing on pitching and defense and that was the trademark of her teams lead by Miami and MAC HOF pitcher Jessica Simpson.

Looks like a possible lull in the rain in Knoxville from about 11-2.

It looks like weather could be a factor all over the place this weekend, not just Knoxville.

Athens, Durham, Gainesville, Tuscaloosa, College Station, Baton Rouge, Lafayette and other Regionals could be impacted. Probably going to be a lot of watch and wait.

That would be a stupid move. Wait for an SEC (or other warm weather program) to open up where she’ll have a legit chance at a national championship. The B1G is where baseball/softball coaches go to stagnate and die…

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Eh. Our former head coach baseball Tracy Smith went to IU, did an epic job there and got hired by ASU. And I think a few softball teams have been top ten in the country.

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I think times have changed.if Miami was in the Big 10 in softball this season, we’d be ranked #2 behind Northwestern.

Just looked up the record. B1G has a single softball NC (Michigan in 2005) and hasn’t won a baseball championship since OSU in 1966. Tracy Smith did make the CWS in 2013 and was wise enough to leverage that into jumping to a warm weather school the next year. He knew what was up.

A coach who chooses the B1G had better realize that their program’s ceiling is likely making it to a Super Regional every now and then.


He was also let go by ASU about four or five years later and is now back in the B10 at Michigan

You’ll never convince the Big is a step down job from the MAC. And I think that’s just common sense. Ps, maybe it’s a lateral move in softball but it’s no step down.

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Not saying it’s a step down from the MAC. It’s a step up just because of more resources and higher pay, but you’re never going to compete for national championships in the B1G because it’s an absolute step down from the SEC and other warm weather programs in Florida, SoCal, Arizona.

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I think we can agree to disagree here. I believe a good coach plus talent could win anywhere. Our golf team finished 8th in the country a while back. Yet snowed till March and no courses to practice on save for sporadically in the winter.

Spaid drew a walk but Miami couldn’t generate anything else. Scoreless after the first half of an inning.

Karli just missed on one in her first AB. Worked it for a walk.

Whew! Dodged a bullet.
