Money Changes Everything

The best measure would be on a per sport basis. Some schs may have 16 sport programs while others have 24. Also, some like bowling, beach VB, etc. are a heck of a lot cheaper than most others. I’d guess on a per sport basis MU is much lower due to having FB, BB and hockey - the three highest expense sports. Very few G5 schs have all 3.

IIRC, there are only three G5 schools that 1) aren’t service academies funded by every American taxpayer and 2) have all three sports: Miami, BG, and WMU.

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You would think these 3 schools would go out of their way to cooperate with each other….


And some at MU wear this like a badge of honor while the competition knows we have one hand tied behind our back. It’s not the most savvy model - MU isn’t an Ivy league sch nor a BIG sch with $70+M / yr TV contract. Until the economics are taken into consideration I don’t know how or why we’d expect to win consistently in the 3 major sports let alone the rest.

BG’s numbers are shockingly low considering they have hockey. Buffalo’s revenue numbers are shockingly high. They don’t play hockey and they don’t draw all that well in football. So where does all that revenue come from?

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They sell Buffalo meat wholesale to restaurants and restaurant supply companies.

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79% budget is from Institutional support and student fees, Miami is at 68%.

They do better on ticket sales than we do by about $265,000 while we outpace them in donor contributions by $1.8 million.

Bowling Green spends $4.77 million less on scholarships than we do.

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For the finance people out there- what is a healthy institutional support/student fees %?

Not sure how much it helps, but definitely should see an increase in ticket sales/attendance for football this fall.

Pretty minimal impact from ticket sales.

Last FY it was:

Hockey - 278K
Football - 250K
Basketball - 139K
All other sports - 80K

Do they have suites, club seats or any premium areas in FB or BB? If so, that can make it up quick. MU lacks premium revenue generators which handicaps their ability to court / develop corporations and major donors.

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Wouldnt that revenue be the cost of out of state tuition since NY state probably doesnt have a lot of division 1 football players. So they probably need higher institutional support- even though it is all phony math

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Miami now has about 70% of its football roster from out of state.

What I find surprising is that we spend almost as much on “admin” as we do on coaches??

Am I reading the breakdown correctly?

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Think of all of the assistant ADs, academic staff, communications, athletic trainers, facility staff, back office admins etc… Not surprising it’s about the same as coaches.