Miami vs UC Game Thread 2024

You get donuts for the early morning game?

Flubbed punt……merde

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Oh no

UC made that look easy. TD them

Un effing believable

Special teams have looked very MAC-like this season so far. I can forgive us taking a step back from last season but something like a muffed punt just cannot happen.


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Two major mistakes in just over a quarter certainly doesn’t bode well. Disappointing execution early.

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My 7-year-old daughter’s comment after the play: Can we go to Pan Shin now?

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Well crap.

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This won’t get it done (Captain Obvious here). Left points off the board after two good drives and then this…

No more returning kickoffs! Touchback or fair catch only


We are not too far from Zero Gravity Brewing. If this is a preview of things, a beer sounds good.

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Lost yards again by returning the kick off! This is BAD special teams coaching!

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Did anyone else hold their breath there when Brett took off? :grimacing:


This has been very sloppy

Gabbert looks about as mobile as Kirk Cousins right now. With his mobility we need to focus on the short passing game unless we have at least one or two RBs/TEs protecting for a shot downfield with a clean pocket.



He is not finding…on our best gain it was just a great play by Cade…he was well covered there as well.

That fake by Gabbert just allows the UC D to get to him quicker

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