Miami @ Ohio St. Wed. night at 7:00

No Dean?

Not yet.

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I am watching. Not a great use of $10 for me. Wish I would have known Cooper was sick. The announcers and officials arent helping my mood

We are having a lot of trouble getting open. We are having trouble getting rebounds. We had turnovers early better late

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Looks like we’re down 13 at the half.

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Cooper and Dean are both, like me, out sick.

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Has Steele had a full bench for a game since he got here?

Watch on YouTube

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Halftime of big ten plus is the announcers leaving and me listening to their half time entertainment of a sax player doing christmas music

Not as good of quality as espn plus

Easily worth the $10

I was listening to the radio on the way from the office to dinner and wondered where you were. Get yourself well, Vox. And follow Ferris’s dad in recovery advice

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Saxophone playing Christmas music? Sigh. To only know here the Unicycle Guy is at today.

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16 - 5 free throws made. Jack Owens haunting the team.


Morris with a double double.


Result is better than it looks. We almost had 4 players hit double digits in scoring and Potter will improve.

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Mabrey played 34 minutes and failed to record a single rebound, assist, block, steal, or free throw attempt.

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A fun homage to Kamari Williams!

Told you I thought we’d cover! :laughing:

Boring ass game. With students still there, the building was maybe 30% full. Bad sports school IMO.

Sat behind the Miami bench. I think a lot of good things came from this game. Ohio State is really good, but we showed a lot of fight, played hard, and executed pretty soundly at times.

I thought our player movement was excellent offensively. We were tough to guard. We turned it over a decent amount, but they were less “blunder-y” than our usual turnovers. Ohio State is quick and long, and difficult to pass against. We got beat on the boards, but OSU had a size and athleticism advantage, so that was expected.

Jacquel has improved so much. He battled hard against their bugs. Very impressed. Ipsaro is unafraid. Sign me up for four years of him running the offense. I liked that Elmer got more minutes. He’s got a nice stroke, and covers a lot of ground defensively. Potter is going to be good. Has some moves. Runs hard. Can get easy buckets with his size. He’ll be a factor. Darwishi was solid. Mabry shot better. Yofan hustled. Lots of good things.

Where I’m still confused

I’d still love to see Elmer play more of a 3 for us. We still seem unwilling to play him at the 3 - which to me certainly seems to be his position. Pair him with Potter or Kotecki at the 4. And Jacquel at the 5. (I know Potter is taller and thought of as a 5, but he can step out and shoot.) We get very few easy buckets. But with the added size of that lineup we’d get more. Steele has said in the past that he wants to get longer. I think we had a 1-minute stretch where we played a “big” line-up. But that was it.

Two things I didn’t love.

  1. Kotecki and Potter both had good, open looks from deep. They both took them, and both missed them pretty badly. They’re freshmen, playing in a big arena. They missed. It’s fine. I think a coach should instantly tell them “great look - keep shooting.” Both of those guys can shoot. Keep shooting. I wish a coach would have something said immediately, or when they were subbed for.

  2. Steele did his usual, “holy cow, the refs are out to get me again” routine. Got another T when we had good momentum going. Gave away two more points. His way of working the refs is demeaning to the refs. It’s not tactical. It’s not well done. His mannerisms towards the refs are off-putting. He points at them like he wants to fight. He shakes his head in a way that communicates, “I dont know how you got this job, you fool.” That’s why he gets so many technicals. And that’s why he’ll get (or already has) a reputation of being a whiner, and will continue to get them. I’m a Steele supporter. I love his offensive system. Love his recruiting class. Love the complete basketball ‘system’ he’s putting in at Miami. But be better in how you ‘work’ the refs. I feel like 2 out of every 3 games he’s doing this ridiculous ‘I’m about to fight a ref’ routine. Xavier has one of the whiniest fan-bases in the country - I’ve always found them and IU to be the worst. Maybe that rubbed off on him?

In conclusion - I love this freshmen class. Stick together - keep working - it’s a great class. Love the progress from Jacquel. Much to be excited for. And always great to see a Miami billboard on 315 in Columbus when driving out of the stadium.