Miami Hamilton replaces Davidson to play vs Dayton Women's Basketball

It is Miami basketball, from the branch campus. This is a very interesting development that’s happened since this morning. Davidson came in yesterday and this morning said they couldn’t play due to “non COVID related symptoms within the team”. So UD called around and Miami-Hamilton is coming to UD Arena to play tonight. I haven’t seen anything this strange in a long time. Glad the Harriers are stepping in to do this tonight!

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Go Harriers!

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Wait, so many questions: Davidson D1 ladies hoops? Couldn’t they just stick in town a night and maybe our D1 ladies team plays them tmrow. Hamilton isn’t any sort of status are they? D3? So many questions

Our women are not playing in Toledo tonight, busing home and then playing tomorrow.

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According to what?

Hamilton Campus. Not Oxford.

And when it’s 112-23, I hope to God I don’t see any derogatory memes with crying baby Harriers, whatever that is.

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@Professor_Fate Didn’t @YellowNumber5 suggest Davidson stick around and play our Oxford campus team tomorrow? Maybe I misunderstood what he was saying.

That’s what I was sayin’. And it’s for free so there’s no need playin’

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Right now it’s 102-41 with 4:44 to go in the game. If anything, Dayton should probably give the Harriers a standing ovation for making the trip at the last minute.

How did they score 41? That’s a d3 team against an A10 squad. Pretty incredible.

Edit: 45!


Dayton 112
Miami - Hamilton 45

UD’s head coach was applauding at the end and was very grateful to the MH head coach and the rest of the staff and team for making the trip.

Love & Honor Harriers!