Martin is a national COY finalist


Very nice honor for Chuck. You have to think this award will go to Norvell from FSU, especially given what happened to the team by the committee. Great honor to make the list though.

Congrats to Chuck. Well deserved honor. In my opinion, he should be considered in the top four to win, along with the coaches of Liberty, Missouri, and Florida State.

What happened at Arizona was amazing - but that’s just my West Coast bias, I guess. Lol

What happened at Arizona is that their mediocre starter got injured and the backup who’d been kept locked on the bench came in and balled. Hard to give the coach too much credit for that.

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Interesting that Chuck is a finalist for national coach of the year but wasn’t even named MAC coach of the year. What is with that?


Their injured started was a stud at WSU.

Nice catch.

I thought so, too, but it seems that National COY finalists were named after the conference championships.

That could be but one game when taking about a coach of the YEAR award doesn’t make much sense.

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Yeah I agree with this 100%. He belongs on the list for sure.