

I think he’s gonna have a nice career. Talented guy.

Dude is gonna need to go to REI and get some Patagonia gear…

“ohiolaisesta Miamin”

Nobody gets it right.

Per Google translate, it either translates as “from Miami University in Ohio” or “from Ohio’s Miami University”, so it appears they did.

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Let’s just keep in in Latin - like on the official seal; “Universitatis Miamiensis”

I think this is the right level for him. And Europe worked out well for Bramos, Devin Davis, Mavunga, and currently Leah Purvis (Israel) and Abbey Hoff (Norway last season, Germany this coming year). Very good livings can be made and great life experiences.


Best free throw shooter we ever had. If he missed one, it was big news.
Plus, he was fun to watch. He wasn’t afraid to mix it up with the big guys.

A lot of foreign leagues, not just Europe. I met some ball players playing in Korea, making 100k a year with free housing and a team credit card that covered all of their daily expenses. One could do much worse than some of these foreign leagues are offering.


Play basketball for a living, see the world, make good money.

A friend of mine has a brother who played at Wisconsin and played pro ball all over the world for about 10 years. Some of these leagues are like the Wild West with lots of crazy stories.

Early in his career, he played in Israel and his agent worked out a kickback scheme with the team where the agent was essentially stealing a large percentage of the player’s salary without his knowledge. The player only found out because his “handler” in Israel mistakenly gave him some paperwork with the real contract.

Also, it is common practice for a team to not pay the player their final paycheck if they don’t intend to resign them. A player can file a grievance with FIBA, but that would require them to fly to Switzerland for an arbitration hearing on short notice. This would obviously be cost prohibitive so players often don’t bother filing a grievance.