Hockey home game vs Denver on Friday night will likely either have an earlier start or maybe get moved to Sunday? That also is the Love Honor, care event on what had been a Saturday DH, perhaps some changes with that event? Women’s game with Buffalo would likely remain at 12:00? Some decisions for the Athletic Department.
If you’re choosing hockey over hoops right now, you must really love hockey and getting your teeth kicked in.
Hmmmm……I got my tickets yesterday for the double header. Will the tickets be able to be used twice?
CBS: “David, great news- we’re giving your basketball team a shot on national TV Friday night the 22nd. Your team is a great story and we think it’ll be a great way to pack your arena with students and make a few dollars. So whatta ya say?”
Sayler: “Well geee,I don’t know. That would compete with our hockey game. And Professor Fate already bought tickets for Saturday. Are we liable for that? And what if the parking lot gets really crowded again? People will have to WALK to the game. Will Wally be there again?
I don’t know, can I call you back?”
CBS: “Never mind, I’ll call Ohio U.”
Would you drive back to Oxford if they honored your ticket?
Good. This team deserves it, especially when CBS Sports Network actually gives proper coverage to the teams and conference featured in the actual game.
Yeah, this impacts the scheduled doubleheader and forces hockey to probably move up its Friday time. It happens. 12 years ago, the Friday hockey game between #3 Miami and #8 Providence started at 5:30 to avoid a conflict with Providence’s Midnight Madness (or whatever it was called, since it started well before midnight). Yes… Providence moved up a top 10 matchup for a basketball practice. This happens. The basketball team deserves the chance to have a home game on national TV.
I don’t know if Miami even has a say in the matter. The conference negotiates TV contracts and the network decides which game to flex. Miami knows this is possibility of happening in advance, but doubt they can decline.
I just checked my tickets that I already had installed onto my Apple Wallet and they’ve been adjusted for the new date and time. Pretty slick!
Honestly Dick, I only have time that weekend for one game and I had it planned for the men’s game. I did see the last quarter and a half of the women’s game vs OU last Saturday and they looked impressive.
Hockey game is also slated for a live TV broadcast on the new Rock Sports package that was recently announced. Obviously CBSN > RESN but the contract with them may complicate if not prevent moving the hockey game time.
just giving you a hard time and trying to stir up interest in the women’s team who are moving in the same direction as the men.
Try telling someone that would be the case around 2015.
I think CBS Sports had Wally on the call for one of our home games last year, wonder if he’ll do it again.
Looks likely