Is MLB still a legitimate competitive sport?

This is just getting stupid……

MLB is roughly 7 owners trying to win and 23 owners not caring so long as their revenue sharing checks clear and they’ve got land they can develop next to the stadium.


Hey, all the money is in California. We live in a capitalistic economic system.It certainly isn’t just baseball which is dominated by big money teams in California. Football has the Rams and 49ers, Basketball has the Lakers and Warriors. Among other things, Holleywood controls the movie industry and Silicon Valley has controlled and created much of modern technology.

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Dodgers have invested over 1 billion dollars on two contracts alone in the last few weeks.

They’ve also won one World Series in the last 35 years and it was the COVID shit season. They’ll blow it.


Do these deals feel risky to anyone else? Sure they are talent loaded for the next few years but that’s absolutly no guarantee of a world series. Every big contract they have is on the older side.
Freeman is 34 and will be 37 when his deal ends in 2027. He’s been remarkably ageless so far but you have to think at some point he’s going to regress.
Betts is 31 and will be 38 when his deal ends
Glasnow is 30 and will be 34 when his deal ends and has struggled with arm injuries in recent years.
Ohtani is 29 and will be 39 when his deal ends and is coming off his second major elbow injury.
Yamamoto is the kid of the bunch at 25 and has been healthy but he’s Tim Lincecum small and throws hard for his size.


The death spiral that baseball is in is interesting to watch. Soccer will quickly surpass to be the #2 us sport to football…

Well soccer will need to pass hockey and basketball first. With how the MLS is run, I wouldn’t hold my breath.

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When MLB allowed NY,LA and (;any others?) to keep,their individual TV network deals it led to what we have today. No parity.

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