Humanities On The Block At Miami

I’ve never heard a bad thing about Santa Fe. Wished I’d have had time to drive up and see it.


Well, to re-direct back to the original intent, Miami just has to put the resources where it gets the most bang for the buck, and prospective students should absolutely weigh the job prospects of a degree, more so than a “well-rounded” education, especially as the cost continues to rise…

IMHO, having been there a few times as a tourist, the worst thing about Santa Fe is the tourists.

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Hey, remember when we would joke about the old people of Oxford attending the Miami basketball games? Yeah… about that. :wink:

Might be worth looking at. My fear of moving to the South is it being too buggy!

I’ve lived in Santa Fe 4 years & they are not a bother to locals. Tourists tend to stick around the plaza & Canyon Rd and outlying sights. Locals don’t to go these areas on a daily basis (especially if you are retired). No affect on traffic.

Curious, what period has seen a decline in state funding? Tough to tell from the sources I’ve read, but would be interested is seeing where you’re reading a decline.

I do see a decline when adjusted for inflation. A recent downward trend….albeit about $50m on $2b in funding. Absolute dollars I’m seeing trending up since 2006

I picked it up from Dr Crawford’s State of the University address I sat through at Alumni Weekend in 2022.

Maybe I’m reading the wrong articles. Lol

Here’s one article. Not sure I agree with some of the conclusions but the data table seems to be sourced from the state info

2022- 2023: $83,808,994.744 (11.6% of Miami’s budget)
2021: $80.4 M
2020: $76.0M
2019: $76.3M
2018: $76.8M
2017: $77.1M

Source: Financial Reports | Grants and Contracts - Miami University

Source: Budget Highlights FY 22-23 - Miami University

For the last several years, the state contributed about 10% of the university’s total revenue.

Thanks prof. Those years appear consistent with what the article suggests

I can dig into the budget data at MU, but does this mean the budget is $750m?

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Yeah. $722m. Wow


My “First in 2009!” beer cozy says different!

Do whut?

God, I’m glad you said it!


I was in the College of Arts and Sciences. I hate to hear about humanities being on the chopping block. One can learn a lot about functioning in life from the study of literature and the arts. I recommend Aristotle as an important read for everyone, especially his Ethics.


I haven’t been following this thread and trimmed a direct political statement. Not a reflection on the validity of the statement, but keeping some guardrails around


Do you want fries with your burger?..“Higher Ed” these days.