House Settlement

Probably never. If college enrollment continues to fall and financial support from the institution does not improve, these schools will have to get their money from somewhere…

I agree. The fake Miami should drop all sports.

Considering SI once called for Miami (FL) to drop football… and then the program came dangerously close to getting the death penalty for the Nevin Shapiro scandal, it would be funny if the school itself ended up being the thing that doomed Canes football.

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The full settlement agreement in the House case was released today. The biggest news: there are no more scholarship limits, only roster limits. And there are no partial scholarships, only full scholarships.

If a school offered every sport sponsored in FBS (I’m not sure any do), they would currently be able to offer 507.8 scholarships. Under the settlement, that school could offer 1,260 scholarships. Now, schools don’t have to offer every roster spot a scholarship, but you can certainly see a recruiting reason not to be the team that doesn’t.

G5 schools are not directly covered by the House settlement, but the NCAA rules changes affect them all the same. They can keep the current system if they opt not to share revenue with athletes. (The settlement allows G5 schools to opt out of revenue sharing.) But if they do share revenue—and again, there are recruiting reasons not to be a team that doesn’t share revenue—they are bound by the new rules.

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That sounds like the G7 should stay as is and schools in P2 upper tier revenue sharing schools just share the revenue. P2 cellar dwellers are on the edge of what they should do and they will always be bottom dwellers based on this.

It also sounds like if up to !260 scholarships could be offered, it would be a disaster for the G7.

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I can see schools eliminating certain programs and going all in on others. Next shoe to drop will be NCAA dropping sport sponsorship requirements (today 16 I believe). Schools will be able to go down to say 6-8 programs. Spend rev share $ on FB & BB and try to win. Could hockey be in trouble? Men’s track? MU will be forced into tough decisions as long as Title IX applies. G5 and many kids getting royally screwed - the increased roster/scholly limits is a cover for what’s about to happen.


In early December we were thinking we may have a realistic shot to make the playoffs

Then the limitations on transfers was repealed and now this

Now it is likely Sept 14th will be the last time we ever host a major opponent at Yager


I was thinking I couldn’t make the UC game this fall. But now I’m looking for cheap flights. It’s going to be an historic event.


I don’t see this really changing the landscape for G5 football/basketball outside of maybe pushing the G5 schools further towards creating their own division. The gap between G5 and P5 is already significant and schools were already required to offer full scholarships. Athletes who can prove their talent on the field already have the means to transfer up freely and have been doing so. The idea of revenue sharing increases that incentive to transfer but we haven’t seen too many examples of players hanging around G5 out of any sense of loyalty to their school anyway. Where football/basketball probably are impacted is the low levels of P5, the gaps between the Ohio States and the Indiana’s will be increased unless those schools start cutting back on other sports to funnel money towards those programs as has been suggested.

Sports that previously had partial scholarships that can now offer full scholarships are going to be most impacted in my view. A G5 school might be able to compete for a mid-range talent athlete by offering a more competitive scholarship. Now the P5 will be able to offer a significantly better package to nearly everyone they want to sign.

Hockey is probably in the weirdest place. Can a school opt in sport by sport? So many college programs are G5 or lower. Is a school like North Dakota going to opt their entire athletic department into this in order to make sure hockey still has all the advantages?

I think it changes the landscape considerably. In spite of all the chages to college football in recent years the relative talent on the field for Miami vs our P4 opponents has remained largely unchanged.

While transfers in and out play a significant role most of Miami’s roster remains homegrown. For over 30 years the top 25 Ohio high school football players go to some combination of Ohio State, Michigan Notre Dame and Alabama. The substantial majority of the next 40 Ohioans go to other Big 10 schools, Kentucky and now UC.

Most of the next 40 go to some combination of G5 schools with Miami hopefully being the MAC school of choice. If the P4 schools increase their scholarship totals from 85 to the 105 roster limit the likely outcome will be considerably less talent available for Miami and the MAC.


It will be a lot more kids not playing and sitting on the bench. Which is why I think MAC schools will always get decent players. At least for kids who want to play and maybe ones who have dreams of transferring up.


Now that’s turning lemons into lemonade!!!

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I’m pretty pissed off about the state of college sports. But then I got distracted by this awesome clip and feel better:

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I’m sure there will be some that go that route, there are some who do now. However, riding the bench at a P5 school as one of the last 15 schollys is not going to get you a share of the revenue. So other than prestige of telling your family and friends you “play” at OSU what’s the draw? Playing a year or two at a G5 and transferring to a P5 might just get you a deal where you get that revenue sharing and NIL money.


I would agree if it was only about playing time - P5 FB players will all share rev and many G5 won’t get any. Big diff from what we have today.

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That’s not what I’m hearing about how most schools will share.

Ohio State can give 105 scholarships but their actual playing group is still going to be in the 45 to 55 range, just like it is now. Guys are not going to be happy sitting and watching for their whole career. We are going to end up with the same talent pool that we get now.

They are increasing the number of scholarships but not increasing the number of teams or number of plays. We will still end up with the same level of players that we get now. We will continue developing stars some of whom will leave and we will continue getting transfer talent who want to get to play.


I hope your thoughts are correct.

I’m not a fan of MK, but based on your high praise, I watched the video. My impression–I wish I could have understood more than ten words in the entire song. The word he should think of before playing this tune–enunciate!
And yes, I am also really pissed off by the current and future state of affairs in college sports. My operative word for G5–antitrust action against P4.

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Brothers in Arms is probably one of the best songs ever written. Was written by Mark about a friend of his I believe who was serving in The Falkland War. Google the lyrics. He could absolutely hammer it when he was younger but no matter. Still epic.

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