Future Schedules 2026-2029

If that has occurred I am sure it does not shock the AD’s office but it does create a problem. We already have away games at Wisconsin and Cincinnati as well as a home game against FCS Linwood.

We surely don’t want another away game against a P5 opponent and can’t have another FCS home game. That leaves us trying to schedule a home and home with a G5 opponent with us having the first game of the series next year. That will be a challenge.

Missouri still has the game listed on its Future Schedules page. FBSchedules.com still has it, as well.

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You gotta spit on that thang.

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Wow - I just learned that Notre Dame played Miami in OXFORD in 1945 and we kicked their ass!

Miami 13 - Notre Dame 0



I sure hope we play Missouri at home. Fans and students need these games every so often.

Hypothetical question for the group:
At what price point would a buy out of this game be worth it to you?
If 2+ million then maybe…


Not unless its going toward facilities upgrades to the press box or something because like you said we need those games every so often.

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I don’t think it will be that hard to fill, assuming Missouri did in fact cancel a few months ago (not sure I trust some podcast’s Twitter).

To find a quick example, if we moved the Lindenwood game up a few weeks (they are free), we could play Georgia State on 9/27. I’m sure the AD can figure options out.

Return trip might be the harder part. Unless we play 5 true home games in 26, the next ideal G5 away slot is in 29 or later


That was the Notre Dame “B” or JV team. Not the main team

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Just wondering if the economic impact of playing Mizzou at Yager is worth more than $1M. Hotels, concessions, restaurants, ticket sales … $1M kinda seems low. I hope the game doesn’t get bought out – it’s been discussed for decades.

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A significant part of the problem with attendance at Yager might be the lack of any marquee opponent coming to Oxford. Since 1999, the past 25 years, these are the non-conference FBS teams we’ve hosted.

Between 2002-2008 we hosted four P5 opponents, none since. We split 2-2 against them at Yager.

In the last 15 years we’ve only hosted OOC G5 opponents not named Cincinnati 5 times - Marshall twice. We beat Colorado State and Army.

I think Miami could really benefit from hosting the Missouri game - from a fan interest perspective.

Iowa 2002
Northwestern 2006
Syracuse 2007
Vandy 2008

Colorado State 2010
Army 2011
Marshall 2014
Western Kentucky 2016
Marshall 2018

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So, Mizzou is scheduled to go to UMass this year. Hopefully, they will not back out of the Miami game … and have it replaced with LIU Sharks or another FCS team.

Ohio hosted Iowa State last year. The game was boring AF (with Ohio U running the play clock on offense down to 39 seconds on every.single.snap.) but Ohio U won.

Tulsa is hosting Oklahoma and Oklahoma State.

Miami should target schools like Illinois, Purdue, Northwestern, Minnesota, IU … they probably do, but it would be nice to land one at Yager once every 4 years.

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Agree with the target schools above and would add Vandy, NC State, Wake, Duke, Pitt, Syracuse, BC, Iowa State, Kansas, KSU, Mississippi State, Rutgers, MD, UVA, etc. 2 for 1 deals with one even trade and one buy…

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$1 million is probably about the max in game day revenue possible.
Assuming that 2/3 of the 24,000 capacity is sellable, the remainder is students. At the $27 ticket price the potential ticket revenue is $427,000. Hotels and restuarants are worth $0 to the athletic department. To cover the remaining balance we would need $733,440 in concessions (28% commission on sales). If we reached capacity that’s about $30 per person.

Hopefully it is not a pure economic decision as the intrinsics of having nice games i.e SEC opponent at home are awesome for students, fans, athletes, alums, donors, etc. The perception that we are in the same FBS realm as the SEC/BIG remains there for everyone. If we drop all of these games for $$$$ and think pure economics in the short term, the could hurt us in the long term. (i.e. donors, TV eyes, etc.)

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If Missouri actually shows up next year, Miami will probably charge much more than $27 per ticket - especially since there will likely be Missouri fans attending.


I understands the realities of a budget. But if we are trying to do all things Miami sports 100% based on budget then we probably need to consider dropping all of them

I agree we need the occasional home game to look forward to. We already play 8 G5s. I dont think we should play a 1 for 1 with Georgia State a cash a million dollar check from Mizzou and count it as a win.

It might be out of our control but I would be interested in the occasional name home game

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I would argue that the upcoming UC game, coming off of last years win, will be a bigger attendance draw than Missouri. The listed price for all tickets is $27, unfotunately the link to buy tickets is broken so I can’t confirm. If there’s no premium for that game I would have a hard time envisioning one for Missouri.

Football Tickets - Miami University RedHawks (miamiredhawks.com)


OU and UMass single game sales are live for $33 each. The mini plans went on sale today and the UC 3 game plan is $15 more than the OU 3 game plan. Therefore, single game pricing for UC is likely going to be $50. Also, UC is selling their allotment for $50. See links below.

Miami 3 Game Plans

UC Ticket Sales for Miami Game


I understand your calculation, but the true measure of the economic lift from a P4 home game is the incremental revenue. In other words, if we instead host an FCS team, we still get some ticket revenue, some concessions, some parking, etc. Considerably less revenue, but the season tickets and season reserved parking, etc all still contribute even for LIU. Given that, it is very likely that getting a $1mil buyout and hosting a lesser opponent would likely net as much as a few hundred thousand extra.

Having said that, I agree with others that the effect on students and fans of hosting a major opponent is very impactful long term for fan interest and engagement.

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