Fall Football Practice

I think I read that today is the day players report. Here we go!

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I think we are still waiting for the Doctors to clear Gabbert for contact football. That is what I am waiting to hear.


I think we better have somebody ready to step in in a minute’s notice. At this stage Brett is probably being held together by duct tape. We need to hope for the best but be ready if he can’t go all the way.


We all have high expectations for this season. Maybe they should be tempered by realizing that Gabbert may not be ready to go at the start of the season. Or he’s ready but not 100%. Or history repeats and he’s injured again. Any of these things could happen. Yet, we still don’t have an experienced backup.


We have one backup who has played one complete game (the Curricane) and one who played one game at Colorado three years ago. We have two others who have never taken a snap in college. That’s not much depth.

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I’m sure there’s a lot of confidence in the 2/3 QB’s otherwise they’d surely go after another via the new collective. It’s the most important position on the field and it would not have been difficult to grab one out of the portal. Must have 2 you trust to win games or you’re toast (or crazy lucky). New day


Just about everything we now know (with the exception of Brett’s recovery timeline) was known long enough ago to have been able to find and sign an experienced backup…so not to have done so falls squarely on the shoulders of the coaching staff…or we can all hope that our current backup(s) have developed enough to prove to be more than adequate if pressed into duty.
Realistically, we just have to hope that Brett will be fully recovered by the first game at the end of THIS MONTH if the aspirations Miami has for the nice bowl opportunity many here have been hoping for are to stay in place.

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Guess what Coach Martin’s first two words are, in the first fall camp interview…

Yeah no


Quarterback position preview. Sounds like Maddox was given his year of eligibility back, which is good to hear.

Yeah no


DL preview. No Malachi Clark this year, which is a blow to an already thin DL group. I’m worried this is going to be our Achilles heal this season. Some younger guys are going to need to take huge steps forward.


Greatest CM quote from today’s clip:

“None of the Freshman could play dead right now.”

He went on to say they are a very talented bunch.

Nice catches observed by Kam Perry, Cade McDonald and Lynel Billips-Williams. Brett was throwing.

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Big takeaway from the DB preview is the need to find a CB to play opposite Strader. Nothing we didn’t know, but someone will have to emerge.

He sounds really confident in the RB room. Especially the depth.

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TE preview is out. You could tell it had been heavily edited since it was recorded, so that got me curious. Turns out, Nate Muersch is no longer with the team. Thus any mention of him needed to be edited out.

I really hope Jack Coldiron can stay healthy this season.

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That is really too bad. He had size and great hands. Made several great catches for big gains and/or tds. Sorry to hear that.

Next man up.

No mention of Zach Meeks either. He’s a guy I thought could come in and compete right away. Granted these are taped before fall camp starts, so who knows.


Meeks is still on the roster, though.