Don't Mess With Miami Of Florida's Football Coach!

Or Luke Fickell…

Enjoy the picture below or your liver will steal your 9 iron.

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Mike “Da Mullett” Gundy for 45 oz.

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I want to say Holgorsen is, at some point, going to introduce bodily fluids into the mix.

I’d also put Schiano up higher. And for some, their rankings would depend if they are currently on a bender.

If your name is Biff Poggi either you’d never win a fight or you absolutely would never lose one. There is no middle ground there.


I’ve had my share of “dust-ups”. The big guy or best in shape guy is never who worries me. You know who does? The crazy guy. Chuck has the crazy gene. I would not want to be anywhere near him in a fight. This list was made by people who have never been in a fight.


Good point!

Can we agree if a coach is using the darkest color “Just For Men Beard” product line may mean that he’s hiding something.

Or hiding from someone…………

“I have regards for you from Tony Bounini and Frankie Gizano. And they told me to tell you ‘you’ll be dead in the morning.’ - Don Rickles