Dining Hall Changes-Not For The Better!

Stonebridge is now Hodge. And it’s more recent that they became honors dorms - I want to say 20/21 maybe? They were just normal dorms for several years first.

I think what ends up happening is private enterprise comes in and shows the university how to lose revenue. If I had a food truck, I’d be making breakfast burritos and offering a pre paid card for a discount. And I’d drive that truck into Western campus or wherever. 105 years ago, I watched a dude with a beat up truck take the glass bottles and cans every Sunday morning from the fraternity garbages. Over four years I was there, he traded his truck up and expanded his fleet. He probably owns a small island by now.


I was on Duke’s Gothic campus a few years ago and they had an entire line of food trucks parked on the street at lunchtime. It was interesting to see the variety of cuisines available. The Korean truck was doing a solid business with Asian students. I don’t know if the trucks are under contract to Duke or simply vendors allowed to market their products on campus.


Garden is the large dining hall on the north end of campus (next to Farmer). It’s not particularly far from that, maybe a 10 minute walk or less.

In my (relatively) recent experience, most Miami students weren’t eating breakfast at dining halls and were going uptown for a couple meals on the weekend anyways so the impact doesn’t seem huge. Still a very inconvenient change though especially for those that live on the very edge of campus (Peabody in particularly has a long walk anywhere).

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Miami has plenty of challenges and issues, but I don’t think this is one of them. Near 90%.


Yes this is hardly a positive freshman retention category. I can tell you multiple parents we ran into today at Hillcrest are upset.

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Yes they renamed it Hodge first semester. Moore hawk my daughter is a freshman in the Honors College.

I live in Anderson on south quad so it doesn’t directly impact me but just another way Miami Dining continues to screw us over with our meal plans. I’m not pleased.


Miami ended its contract with Aramark in the fall. I did not see any reports of a new contract. Could have missed it, or maybe brought back in house. I know there was a lot of dissatisfaction with Aramark quality. My son was in a dorm last 2 years, now off campus apartment and was not impressed with Aramark. New situation does not sound better. Hope they get it squared away.

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Recent studies have shown that intermittent fasting is good for you as it mimics the dietary pattern of our hunting and gathering ancestors, a pattern that our physiology has adapted to over thousands of years. Miami is simply showing that they are on the cutting edge of dietary and nutritional science.


College students in Ukraine have to walk a long way to the dining halls, and sometimes when they arrive, it’s gone!

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Miami’s culinary experience was always a major selling point in recruiting students. What happened?

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In 1978 we tunneled to get to the Dining Hall…That was miraculously open.


JohnnyMac has dropped some tonnage recently with IF. Skipping breakfast (and the nighttime manhattans) isn’t so bad sometimes.

We always had great food. My Freshman 15 by Christmas Break is proof.

Or was that due to SDS Sub night, Spaghetti’s $5 pizza night, 97X burger special at Skippers, Bruno’s or B&D?

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I remember Miami routinely publishing the high national rankings we got for our residence hall goods. Someone apparently dropped the ball somewhere along the way.

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He happened.


So we sent an email to the email address for Dining at Miami. What did we get back? A canned response about how to select meal plans, allergens and jobs at dining halls. Nothing substantively addressing our concerns. Other parents received the same response.

I don’t believe Miami gives a damn what parents say.