Dick Is A Genius

@DICK confided in me his plan to fix our basketball woes, men’s and women’s, in one fell swoop. Colleen Day Henderson is the Associate Head Women’s Coach at Akron. Jermaine Henderson is an Assistant Men’s Coach at Kansas State. They are married and living apart most of the year.

They are both Miamians and former outstanding players for their respective teams. They know what it takes to recruit and win in the MAC. They both love Miami. Let’s solve their living situation and revive both of our basketball programs by hiring them both as our head coaches. Genius.


Hell yes! Worth a try. Anything’s worth a try. We have nothing to lose and nowhere to go but up.

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Not to be a buzzkill… but this has been suggested multiple times already - most recently on that previous message board.

Great idea? Certainly. Will it happen? Probably not.

If it does, start playing the lottery.


Hate to say it, but it could hardly get any worse for our two basketball programs …Sure, a better facility would help immensely, but in the end, good coaching is the key to success, and it is apparent that neither Owns or Hendrix is getting it done.

Assume it would take a big donor to want to step up and help pay off the buy out for Owens…wouldn’t expect Hendrix to have a buy out clause but any significant monies but I have no knowledge of those details.

We suggested winning games on the previous board, too. Same result. Didn’t happen.


I might play the lottery, win, and pay Megan Duffy $3 million a year to return.


Meghan Duffy is living proof that a great Head Coach can get fairly immediate results!

And when we see 2,3, 4 years of frustration and dashed hopes you have to eventually come to the conclusion that you just may not have the right Coach to get it done. This is especially true in hoops.


Surprised that Dick’s suggestion isn’t getting more discussion on the Board.

215k, paid in installments over the duration of her contact (through 2024) with usual reductions if she finds alternative employment.


I hear Peaches’ and Herb’s greatest hit playing in my mind.

If we opened up both Miami jobs and we hired an associate head coach from Kent State and an assistant head coach at Oklahoma State would we be happy? So the primary qualification is that they are former Miami players and Miami assistant coaches

Maybe these would be great hires and I am willing to listen to anything at this point


Jermaine did a good job coaching the team when Charlie was out for a while with health issues.
But Brad Bates wanted to impose his vast knowledge and hire someone out of left field.

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Not sure why Jermaine hasn’t got a HC gig after all these years as a top assistant, but it is interesting to note that during his tenure at Miami (4 years playing and 15 as assistant Coach), Miami won 4 MAC regular season titles, 2 MAC tourney championship titles, and went to the NCAA tournament 4 times, and the NIT four times.


Time for a change…