Buffalo vs. Miami

Faculty should be free. Any any university staff as well. Until the paying demand goes up. The fact that you have to pay is a huge miss from a goodwill standpoint.


I agree. I went to so many other team’s sports when I was there. It was expected. Also, those teams were fun to watch. Volleyball was top 25. Same with men’s soccer. Men’s and women’s hoops were very very good. It was fun!

Different sport, but I received this email from UC last week, offering two free tickete to basketball. How often does Miami do something like this? I know it’s not never, but maybe do it more often?

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SM–was that meant to be sarcastic or what? I live in Columbus, have season tickets, was long, long ago a MAC champ and letterman. For a 68 year old alumni two hours IS far. By the time I leave a 7pm kick and hit the sack it’s 1pm or maybe a bit later. I’ve got to get up the next day and work, I own a small business, and sleeping in or taking the day off is not an option.

Gave my tics away for Akron to a MHT’er and no one wanted the Buffalo tics (for free) and I’ll admit the give a way post was kind of late. No takers…lots of us within Cincy & Dayton area and still no takers.


Thread re-Jack alert

Gregg Doyle of Indy.com revisited his article from two years ago about Javon Tracy after Javon appeared on ESPN Top Ten from last night. Hope it’s not a paywall.


We usually have the faculty and staff appreciation day once a year, when we get free tickets.

I always thought athletics could give free tickets at least during the J-Term to build momentum or profit from the sale of food and drinks.


That’s what I thought. Why not do it more often?

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Interesting, there was indeed a course called MPC 442 “Integrated Marketing Communications Practice (Laws, Hall & Associates)” that had different clients every year. That was before FSB if I am not mistaken. I will search around for more information. Thanks for sharing!

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I believe the words you are searching for are “apathy from the athletic department”.


Their stadium is also smack dab in the middle of the campus and a block from Calhoun street

True, though the location of Yager is something we can’t do anything about at this point. My dad was in school when we played at Miami Field. If I recall, that was much closer to/actually on campus. Why was Yager built so far away? Too big to fit anywhere else?

I think a lot of it comes down to the culture at Miami right now is that they don’t come to sports. We can make excuses like, “it’s far from campus”, “it’s a Wednesdays night”, “marketing”, etc., but the fact of the matter is it just isn’t a “thing” that my fellow students do on a weekend or on a weeknight. There isn’t tons of marketing for beat the clock on Saturdays or Country Night on Wednesdays at Brick but students show up because its a “cool thing” to do and word of mouth spreads fairly quickly and easily. Until Miami sports becomes a “thing to do” attendance won’t increase non matter how good the team is. The question then is, how can the culture at Miami change making sports the “thing to do” like it is at schools like UC.


Cheap beer.


Not really. I also live in Columbus and didn’t go last night either but I feel like flying down to The U more than makes up for missing one MACtion game (it was the only home game I missed this year).

We’re all big fans otherwise we wouldn’t be here. Let’s not get bogged down with semantics. We’re the dadgum East Champs where we belong. We’ve got a RedBird Dildo Trophy to hold onto and a conference championship to win. So let’s keep winning.


So, the guy criticizing the people who weren’t there for criticizing the people who weren’t there wasn’t there? :joy::joy::joy:

Seriously, @The_Sackman is a big fan who makes the four hour round trip, usually with family in tow, for every home game. I will not allow any besmirching of his bona fides.


Not to toot my own horn but one man rallied the militia after the devastating loss to Toledo and refocused us all heading into Hell. That was a tremendous week for my brand.


I guess I need to defend we mature fans again, and specifically myself. Since my graduation many years ago I have attended Miami events all over the country. Colorado, North Carolina, Kentucky, Alaska, New York ,Alabama and many others. I have held season tickets for football longer than most of you have been alive. I have sat through rain, sleet and lightning delays. I(we) have arrived home in the wee hours many a time. Not anymore. We have gone the motel route, but still not good. I am pushing 80 and my wife is experiencing health issues. We will go to Detroit and I will try to make our bowl game. Yep, 3.5 hours of one way driving is a lot more work than the fun it used to be. I keep getting our season tickets and attend Saturday afternoon games. No more Maction for this guy.


Prof: On numerous occasions, I have suggested to at least the last four Miami ADs (including RC Johnson, Joel Maturi, Brad Bates, etc) that Miami ICA use the intellectual firepower of what was Laws Hall and is now The Farmer School talent base (both faculty and students) to work collaboratively on solutions to fan base building, marketing, etc., etc…all with no success. It would have been nice if my urgings were met with a polite “No thanks because…” but there was NEVER any acknowledgement…just a smile if I was lucky.
My conclusion, rightly or wrongly, is that the people at ICA didn’t want to be bothered to work on solutions either because they were/are lazy, thought they knew everything…or just didn’t care as long as their salary checks were received on time.
So, after 25++ years of beating my head against the wall, I gave up…not for lack of effort but due to lack of response.


I have had extensive conversations w two of those guys. Arrogance is the word that comes to mind. They don’t need help as they know it all. I offered. They nodded and moved on.


So there is something to my theory that attendance at athletics events is “not a cool thing to do” within the current Miami student culture.

I wonder what the reaction from students would be if alumni - some of them quite wealthy - simply decided that giving to the university was “no longer cool?”

Sad culture!