
No “D”, only 6 scouts? VS over 20 scouts for most NFL teams. 100% of Bengals Defense draft picks in ‘23 or ‘22 ( it was stated on the radio yesterday)not only were cut by the Bengals,but none are in the NFL.

Ummm…Myles Murphy is still on the team, so that stat is incorrect. That said, the Bengals defense IS pathetic! One of the analysts on ESPN’s NFL Countdown said it was full of “JV talent.” He’s right.

Good catch!


They should be. They’ve done nothing but fleece the NFL and the Bengals fan base on being the cheapest team in the league.

Mike Brown and Troy Blackburn are proof that football knowledge is not hereditary

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Well…Troy Blackburn isn’t a descendent of the Brown family (he married into it), but I’ve always said that Mike Brown is a founding member of “The Lucky Sperm Club”! He’s always thought he is as smart as his old man was, but clearly he’s not. He IS just as cheap, though!!

Jessie Bates.

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Mike Brown couldn’t own his way out of a paper bag

Mike Brown IS an old brown paper bag…

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Wow, that’s so impressive. I guess we should build them another stadium.

As a transplant to Cincinnati who is not a Bengals fan I point out to locals they should love Mike Brown. He turned down the deal Art Model took in Baltimore. And, unlike Cleveland, Cincinnati would be highly unlikely to have gotten a franchise to replace them.


If you look objectively at the changing population demographics in America, I would argue that no city in the AFC North would have a team today if the teams were being handed out now. Don’t interpret that as malice in any way to the cities or the teams. I actually like all of them. It’s my favorite division in sports. But the media numbers aren’t there like they used to be. Industry left these areas and people followed. I’m grateful there’s a team in the 513, but the idea that the other cities are safe from ever losing their teams is not correct. Look at Oakland. St. Louis! The Spector of relocation is always lurking. Baltimore as a city has had it mentioned many times via their baseball team going to Tennessee. Nice stadium. Plenty of World Series championships. Much bigger tv market than Ohio and Pittsburg have.

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Your statement about the changing demographics of the midwest is very accurate. I certainly wouldn’t suggest that any city is safe from losing their franchise in the future.

I would suggest that the circumstances in the late 90s that led to a Cleveland expansion franchise would not have led to a Cincinnati franchise if the Bengals left. Even in down years Brown’s fans filled an 80,000 person stadium. Their fan base was perceived to be as loyal as any in football and as such it was a tremendous black eye for the NFL when Cleveland lost their team. The Cincinnati fan base was not perceived to be as large or loyal. The public relations hit for the league would not have forced a Cincinnati expansion team as it did for Cleveland

The problem with just using “we can fill a stadium” metric is that it doesn’t account for the bigger price of the prize which is media market. Again, I hope all the teams stay.

The presumptive power of the “media market” will soon be tested as networks will likely have to charge a premium to show certain games

Hard to know. Maybe?

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There will be a time when the networks won’t be able to afford to air certain college games without charging extra….then we’ll really find out how much of a market the Big10 has in the DC area.

I don’t think that day will come. But I do see a day when colleges of our size or teams like The Bengals get to freelance and build their own viewer lists to sell their offering to alum/fans and the distributing network gets a cut. U of Texas showed this can work. Sort of?

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People sometimes ask me how I can be a Steelers fan living so close to Cincy. I respond, “The ownership.” The Rooney family isn’t perfect, but they ahve learned the secret to creating a high value for the price of their game ticket while the Brown family have kept the return on investment high for themselves but not their customers. I stopped caring about Mike Brown after I experienced first-hand the pitiful treatment he showed his father’s widow, Mary. Art Modell burned his bridges when he took his team out of Cleveland in the dead of night so I can’t root for Baltimore, and the current Cleveland Browns ownership seem incapable of building a successful franchise no matter how much money they spend. So it’s Pittsburgh for me.


I’ll always have fond memories of watching Ben win there.