4 Miami games on ESPN+ on Saturday, 1 on Friday, 1on Sunday

I can’t imagine we have ever had 3 Miami games on TV at the same time, but we do on Saturday: Here is the weekend rundown. All on ESPN+

Friday 6:00 Miami softball at South Carolina
Of interest, Ohio mens basketball at Kent Friday night at 7:00 on CBSSN.

Saturday 1:00 Miami womens basketball at Kent
2:00 Miami Baseball at the Citadel
2:30 Miami mens Basketball at Western Michigan
3:30 Miami Softball at South Carolina changed to 12:00 noon
Sunday 1:00 Miami baseball at the Citadel

The start of today’s Miami- Citadel game has been changed to 12:00, I guess because of weather forecasts. Currently 1-1 in the second on ESPN+


Weather here in the Carolinas is crisp and cool today. Games will get played in both Columbia and Charleston. Weather starts to detetiorate about noon Saturday. Getting late afternoon games in will be dicey. Sunday weather is going to be atrocious. Looks like a complete washout in both SC cities. Monday and Tuesday look OK in Charleston.

6-0 Miami after 2 1/2 innings in Columbia…


I thought Miami was using a different site to broadcast games?

Another blown lead…

Of interest, Ohio Mens basketball at Kent at 7:00 tonight ( Friday) on CBSSN.

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I feel like Kent state is getting a ton of these Friday games

We win 9-6 in 11 innings. Lea Chevrier with 5 and 1third scoreless innings. What is the Ghost runner rule in Softball?

It seems to be after the 9th

I noticed it got the first time last weekend and looked it up. Starting in extra innings, the runner who made the last out of the previous inning is placed at second base.

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South Carolina vs Georgia State running late. 4-1 Cocks top of 6. It’s on ESPN+.

I sure hope we don’t get the announcer who is going this game. If we do, I’ll probably turn down the sound and just watch. Check her out!

Same broadcaster. Uggh. Game started.

Never a single minute of dead air with her. It is like she has never listened to a broadcast of a baseball game before and she is constantly struggling to find the words to describe the action. Like the walkoff hr was “ a long fly ball to the right side….field.” She spent a lot of time describing the area left of Second base and the SS and near the edge of the OF grass. If the game on Sunday does not get rained out you too can get a chance to experience a truly unique broadcast…

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I think you are correct for our home games. These games are away games done by the home university on ESPN+.

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