Word Association (In honor of dave67)

Beer Pong

Beer smoking

Such a shame this version with the epic smokeburp didn’t make the show.


Aaron Craft…Soon To Be Dr…

Hank (Aaron)


Eddie (Stanky)



“Goebbels is the GOAT” is a phrase I never thought I would ever hear in my life but here we are. Thank you, Larry.


Beer Smoking

So glad that the accountant actor kept a straight face here. Michael Richards would’ve been furious if this genius improv take was lost.

Smoke on the Water

Tap Water

Tower. I missed Smoke on the Water, I would have said Lucerne.


Jason Alexander’s acting in this sequence was legendary. He was the only 1 of the 4 to NOT win an Emmy for Seinfeld. He deserved one or two.




“Larry’s character always seems refreshingly normal and logical to me while all the people around him are just lying and acting crazy. Wish more people would be honest like him. I hate standing on lines when the person in front of me takes forever and doesn’t care … that scene resonates with me… he always sees thru everyone’s b.s. and that’s why I love this show so much … guess I dislike people as much as he does.”

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Most people on a first date would make a big effort to hide anything negative about them. Not Larry.