Northwestern Wildcats Game Thread

I have heard reports of college football players being harassed by gamblers who lost money. Sad .to hear that happens in Oxford.

I respect your opinions and many would agree with you. When you make a strong statement like you or I sometimes do you have to be prepared to accept that some are not going to agree and not take it personally. That is just part of the give and take on message boards.


Free–I started to write a post to answer your complaints. But it is obvious that you have an agenda and I will not get into a pissing contest with you. You can call me an asshole (I assume that was directed at me). Uncalled for.
But none of us here, who supported and made it clear that we respected Aveon and his efforts, deserves to be called out like that. My post was overall extremely positive toward Aveon and his contributions/efforts. Any objective person would tell you he had limitations. Every player does. But you go out of your way to attack Brett. Why? He has suffered two major injuries and came back. Did Coach Martin play him b/c he had some animus toward Aveon?
Good luck to a former Miami Man. He gave us some thrilling moments and all of us appreciate that. But move on. There are dozens of guys who never make the field (Hesson/Kopp). But they don’t have others whine and bitch on their behalf. They practice hard. Deal with academics. And are damn happy to be part of the team.
Good luck to Aveon. Try to relax–you could have a stroke getting wound this tight.

I have no problem with those who disagree with me. I do not take it personally. Well, maybe a little. But my post was not meant to throw a grenade at Aveon. I didn’t think it was an overly "strong’ anti-Aveon post. I saw what I saw. If I choose to post, I do so understanding that some will not agree with me. But Free’s comment crossed a line. We all try to be civil on the board–even when we may strongly disagree.
I really don’t know how many times I have to pat Aveon on the butt to satisfy some people. I piss Red and White and support all our athletes–star or walk on. I imagine the Hesson’s and other QBs disagreed with Coach Martin’s choice to play Aveon. But it wasn’t personal–it was his job to play those who he and the other coaches felt put us in the best position to win.


Don’t know who needs to hear this (and anything that may have happened is probably from someone who’s not on Hawk Talk) but if you’re threatening any athlete because of their on-field performance you need to get a life.