North Dakota vs Miami 12/6,12/7 at Goggin

2-0, gonna be a long night

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I think this has been enough Miami sports for me for one day


I have a feeling we might see Bruno tonight…

SOGS tied at 5!

GOAL! 2-1

SOGS tied at 8!

Honestly not playing too bad, need some more 2nd period magic


Come on! I need something to be happy about today!

Ambrosio denied on a breakaway.

Freaking great sequence to tie it at 2!!!

Playing super well!

5 on 3 coming up (for 16 seconds)

Welp Miami instantly commits a penalty to make it 4 on 4 after the first penalty expires

3-2 bad guys

Really took the wind out of the crowd here. Had been quite lively after Miami had tied it.


This team seams to run out of gas in the 3rd period pretty often

Who is our strength and conditioning guy? And if the answer is “we don’t have one.” , then maybe I just solved the problem

Miami moves to 0-8 in the NCHC, 1 point. They don’t have another series for over a month until Denver on January 10th. That will be their last chance to win before over a year passes since their last conference win on January 13th

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At least Artemi is leading the USHL in points!