New Miami Arena Rumor

Just so happens my daughter called me
a few minutes ago to fill us in on her meeting with her Honors College advisor. So I ran this by her. I asked “what would you think of a new basketball arena in the green space across the street from
Lewis Place?”. After going off on how the money should be given to the College of Creative Arts, and how basketball can stay at Millett, she said “that is a horrible idea, I like the green space and trees. Put it somewhere else.” That was the end of the discussion as she hung up on me since she just got to MapleStreet to eat dinner before her play rehearsal! So there you have it-Creative Arts students hate the Lewis location! :grinning: I will let Greg Crawford know!!


Hmmmm. Put a hotel, that doesn’t service students, in the “middle” of campus, as opposed to an arena that we’re trying to get them to?

And what is the benefit of having an arena closer to uptown? Students can catch a couple minutes of the game on their way to imbibe?

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Just curious: I remember seeing discussion about using Goggin for basketball. Is that idea dead, and if so, why? A little small but they could add courtside seats and the rake of seats is better for hockey.

I’d hope it’s a non-starter, otherwise I’ll be furious they weren’t doing it from the start

For all the shortcomings of Millett as a basketball facility I believe it is the perfect location. No other spot could possibly provide the required parking The Millet West lot has 1200 spaces. Even a modestly sized 4000 person arena would require nearly as much.

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Not if you’re getting 2-3k students to games. But I dream…


I think the new arena should be in the 6000-7000 seat range. We’ve had at least 3 games in that range in the last couple of years.

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If Goggin was going to be multi-purpose, it needed to be designed accordingly. Because that would add to the cost, it was cut. IMO, that was a very short sighted decision.


Agree, Jive.

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Miami has traditionally been slow to build new facilities, but consistently has built facilities which are high quality and Miami has not looked to jam in a bunch of sports leaving all of them with a less than ideal facility. I think there has also been talk of a separate volleyball facility not shared with the two basketball teams. I think that is why the hockey building was built for hockey and skating, not for hockey, basketball and volleyball all jammed into one building. We are trying to develop great facilities for each sport, such as our baseball and softball and field hockey facilities. Miami has waited until they have the funding to build a great facility for each sport.


It is the greatest spot on campus. We could be a top 20 team with that location alone. Just insane.

Yeah it seems to me that the Cook location would be the best for the Arena…right at the corner there would be really cool…close to dorms and something you couldn’t miss coming north on US 27 or east on High Street.