Monitoring Other Games -Weekend 5 - Kent State Week

BG has just finished putting a can of ass whooping on GT. That should get our attention!

Toledo squeezes past NIU, 35-33.

BG wins 38-27. Nice win.

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BG gets the win AND $1.1M

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Double win!!

UCF blew a 35-7 late 3rd quarter lead. Baylor wins 36-35.

Fly the flag! :pirate_flag: #MACtion

BG both ran and threw the ball effectively today. Their wide out Hogan made a couple of great catches as well. BG had 42 minutes TOP and scored 38 unanswered points during the game.
Translation: we may have our hands full next weekend.

Bowling Green had 7 different players catch 2 or more balls today. So they are diversifying the offense. I believe Miami had only 3 todsy with two or more. And honestly I am continually frustrated by Chuck’s reliance on the home run ball as opposed to a more methodical sustained attack.


I salute the growling bean for their efforts. Well done!

Get ready for Round 2 of the “Fire Brian Kelly” calls.

Del State picks up first win over winless D3 school

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Chuck is gonna need to open up his conservative play book if he wants to outscore BG next weekend.


What did OU do to put up 38 and hold them to 7? I’m going to have to watch some of that one. Something for certain is that little running back is a handful. He is short, fast, strong and keeps his pads low on runs. He can spin out of tackles and he never stops moving his legs. On the ACC Broadcast they were describing him as a Maurice Jones-Drew type back.

Central Michigan drew 28,000 plus for their home game with EMU Saturday!

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Throw the fade 39 times!!

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Just watched replay of Toledo-NIU game…the NIU QB looked pretty darned good despite the 35-33 loss…they sure didn’t look like a 1-4 football team, at least offensively.

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Lombardi has been a solid QB after transferring to NIU from Michigan State. His less than solid start this season was a bit unexpected. With all the talent Toledo has, they’ve played more close games than I would have expected.