That was an ill advised pass.

What the hell.


Is Brett making bad decisions, or is BG just making good plays on the ball?

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I wouldn’t even have minded a run there and take the FG


Game changing series

Bad decisions. Throw it away.


We have the wind and then try to press a pass into good coverage

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I had a feeling that was gonna happen

The momentum shift between cades near TD and now is palpable

Definitely feels like we should be up 3 scores rn, hope that doesn’t come back to bite us

We had all the momentum and then kinda piss it away with that play to re-emergize BG.

He was open earlk. BG late throwing the ball.

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Probably not smart to throw the ball that far across the field in the windy conditions. Just have to move on.

Ball is slick

How did we not recover that?

Good question

This is Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride! Keyon about to bust a giganto run so all good.

Well, we don’t have Gage.

Who wants the 99-yard TD this season?

Dangerous territory now. Need to get at least one first down.