Miami MBB 2024-25 Roster

Yes, the chart is sorted by height, but watch the tape. Potter was guarding the other team’s 4 and Morris was guarding the center.

And again, he can’t cover any of those 4’s.

Interesting and helpful conversation re lack of recruiting" bigs ". Yes a challenge- and yes limited availability. No matter how you dissect the numbers from last year however we were a poor rebounding team ( last or at the bottom in the MAC ) and were very weak on defense in the paint. As I said earlier lets see who is right at different points his coming season. I believe there will be multiple game where are out rebounded by double digits . and give up major points in the paint. I simply do not understand why we cannot find more physical players to play in the paint. I would be interested in Steele’s thinking on this issue.

I think Steele has made it clear on his philosophy and the type of players he wants: highly skilled, play fast, spread the floor and by the looks of what he has recruited and now bringing in to transfers he would like the #2-4 guys to all be 6’4-6’8 and 5 spot is 6’8-6’9 with ability to switch on PNR on the perimeter (exactly what AMiram couldn’t do). The MAC typically doesn’t have multiple big bangers down low on any team so if you have 1 guy that fits that mold you should be fine. If by “physical” you mean more of a 1990’s NY Knick style player that is just a defensive brute with very little offensive skill–well that’s not what Steele wants and that’s not what today’s basektball is about. Its hard enough to play 5v5 on offense–trying to play 4v5 is really difficult over extended minutes.
While we were not good at all rebounding last year, let’s also remember the first roughly 2 months of the season we had no Anderson, basically no Potter–what were our options? Its why we ended up starting two tiny guards and backed them up with another tiny guard in Dean (who was overwhelmed all season) and Mabrey who was a one trick pony (shooting) and he didn’t do that all that well. Once Andy and Potter came back it seemed that rebounding wasn’t quite as bad or at least not as lopsided as some of the early games were. And I thought the emergence of Elmer and his rebounding definitely helped.
Certainly OR’s gets a team more shots but we can also get more shots/possessions by creating more turnovers via pressure defense, trapping, press, etc. IMO


Updated roster on

Link to the roster itself: 2024-25 Men's Basketball Roster - Miami University RedHawks

New article on the rising sophomores. Mentions Potter has added 20lbs of muscle.


Great read and exactly what we all hope for.


Kotecki desperately wants us to notice the new physique.


Looking good, big guy!


Is it me, or does Potter look taller? In back row and still towers over the others. Maybe 7’2"–'7’3"?

In which picture? I’m assuming not the paintball one since he isn’t in it. The photo in the article above is from their freshman year and isn’t an updated pic.

My bad–I thought he was in the paintball pic. However, I didn’t recognize the hair and mustache.

Who is that guy? Was he standing on a pallet?

The paintball photo marks the start of the “who’s that guy” portion of the program.


From the looks of the picture that would be Landon, he’s a grad student manager. Great guy and hard worker