MAC Baseball Tournament

Mastrian in to pitch. Clearly this was the game plan

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Tie game

And 2-1 BG

The game plan went awry.


Reports a bit thin there, Dan

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Welp looks like we might be playing early tomorrow 6-1

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Do not mess up my prediction boys. Rally!!!

Miami pulls 2 back and itā€™s 8-3 middle of the 7th


And thereā€™s that double digit run surrender we canā€™t allow and still be competitive. Itā€™s just saving arms now for the possible long trip through the losers bracket.

12-4 loss. Will play Toledo at 10 am tomorrow. Winner plays the loser of Ball state vs Western Michigan right after the morning game

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WMU won 8-0 meaning Miami will play Ball State if they beat Toledo

Excellent progress this year but we seriously lack quality pitching depth.

Miami seems to be setting themselves up for an epic comeback

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This is not going great today. My prediction in grave danger!

We only need a touchdownā€¦

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We needed the touchdown. We kicked a field goal.

Toledo wins, 8-4.

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Damn. My prophesy fails. Oh well. These guys had a great year and the future looks bright.


Bright indeed. If we can keep our top guns coming back next year (and thereā€™s no reason we shouldnā€™t given the prospects for another big jump next season, unless, of course, a couple jump to the professional ranks before their eligibility runs out), I envision a push for the league championship. What a huge improvement in just a little less than one year! Pitching remains the weak link in the roster, but with arms like Olejnekā€™s returning and most of the defense remaining in place, itā€™s gonna be fun to see if we can nail down the starting rotation some more. I love Danny Hayden to death and wish him nothing but the bestā€¦ but DANG that was a big tune-up to the old engine! Go 'Hawks in '25!


Outstanding season. Getting that team ERA down to about 5 or at least under 6 will be key.